The Economist Calls for Legalizing Cocaine, Following Lead of Latin American Communists

The left-wing elite magazine the Economist called for the legalization of cocaine in a column this week, calling leftist President Joe Biden “too timid” for not publicly considering it and going so far as to claim that Marxist Colombian President Gustavo Petro – who called for decriminalizing the cocaine trade at the United Nations last month, also needed to be more extreme.

The left-wing elite magazine the Economist called for the legalization of cocaine in a co

Report: Joe Biden to Strip Colombian FARC Communists of Terrorist Designation

Anonymous alleged “U.S. and congressional officials” told the Wall Street Journal this week that President Joe Biden is planning to remove the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a nearly 60-year-old terrorist organization responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, from America’s list of designated foreign terrorist groups.

COLOMBIA, - : TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Hector Velasco Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombi

ACAB: Terrorist Mobs Burn Police Alive in Colombia

Terrorist mobs have destroyed 25 police emergency response stations in Bogotá, Colombia, alone as of Wednesday night in a spate of violent attacks nationwide. Eyewitnesses say the assailants were attempting to burn police officers alive and, in some cases, succeeded in setting them on fire.

BOGOTA, COLOMBIA - MAY 04: A demonstrator wearing a pig maskperforms with the image of Pre