Family Unit Aliens - Page 3

Arizona Border Patrol Agents Spot 188 Migrants in 33 Hours

Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested nearly 200 migrants, including families and unaccompanied minors, during a 33-hour period after they illegally crossed from Mexico. The sector has witnessed an increase of more than 100 percent of migrants attempting to make the dangerous trek across the Arizona desert.

Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents apprehend large group of illegal aliens, including unacco

Illegal Border Crossings in August Up 68 Percent

Reversing a three-month trend, the apprehension of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border spiked upward in August. A massive increase across the southwest border moved the number of arrests to record levels.

Ajo Station Border Patrol agents arrest a group of 163 migrants near Lukeville, Arizona. (

South Texas Border Patrol Agents Arrest 110 Migrants in 2 Days

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents arrested 110 migrants in less than two days. The apprehensions occurred along the border and in stash houses. The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector continues to lead the nation with nearly half of all arrests of illegal immigrants alone.

MCALLEN, TX - SEPTEMBER 08: Families of Central American immigrants turn themselves in to

Trump vs. Obama: Two Approaches to Migrant Families and Minors

Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump were both faced with the issue of unaccompanied minors and family units following the passage of a law by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. The law, intended to curb human smuggling, became a magnet for families and children to the U.S. border.

Dention of immigrant children - 2014 and 2018

May Arrests of Illegal Border Crossers Up 160 Percent

The apprehension of illegal immigrants along the southwest border with Mexico jumped 160 percent in May 2018 compared to the previous year. May apprehensions also increased by 1.9 percent over April 2018. The numbers increased each month this calendar year.


More than 100K Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released into U.S. Since FY2016

Immigration officials released more than 100,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) apprehended at the border into the U.S. interior since Fiscal Year 2016. White House officials state that many of the family members of these minors–mostly from Central America–paid criminal organizations to smuggle their children to the United States.

Unaccompanied Minors in DHS Holding Facilities, June, 2014

Border Crossings under Trump Back at Obama’s Numbers

The number of illegal aliens apprehended and determined to be inadmissible along the southwest border with Mexico rose again in December. The figures exceed those under President Barrack Obama in the months leading up to the surge of unaccompanied minors and families in 2014. The number of families apprehended in December 2017 rose 15 percent over the previous month.

Family Unit Aliens apprehended by Border Patrol agents near Mission, Texas. (File Photo: B

Despite Intense Aug. Heat — Alien Families, Minors Cross Border in Dramatic Numbers

Despite the intense summer heat, thousands of illegal alien minors and families risked their lives to illegally cross the U.S. border with Mexico in August. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials reported this week that the apprehension of Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) and Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) rose by 37 and 20 percent respectively. These numbers represent the fourth straight month of dramatic increases for these two categories of illegal immigration.

Border Security Remains Key Issue In Presidential Campaigns

Border Apprehensions Increase for 4th Straight Month

The apprehension of illegal aliens crossing the U.S. southwestern border with Mexico increased for the fourth straight month. Total apprehensions doubled from an April low and increased nearly 25 percent over July — nearly reaching August 2012 levels.

MCALLEN, TX - AUGUST 07: U.S. Border Patrol agents detain undocumented immigrants after th

Report: 600,000 Illegal Immigrants Live in Houston Area

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, reports claim that about 600,000 illegal immigrants live in the Houston area. The issue came up as some media outlets expressed concern about the illegal immigrants’ status in emergency shelters and their eligibility to obtain federal assistance to rebuild homes destroyed by the devastating floodwaters dumped in the storm’s wake.


86 Guatemalans Arrested at Texas Border in Single Incident

As the surge of illegal aliens continues to mount in South Texas, Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector capped off a busy day by arresting one group of 86 illegal aliens and seizing more than $1 million worth of marijuana. Agents also carried out a rescue of an illegal alien lost in the brush and, unfortunately, recovered the remains of another migrant who was not as lucky. All of these incidents occurred in the RGV Sector on Monday.

ICE Arrests 650 Obama Era Border Crossers

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers picked up 650 illegal aliens that came to the country as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and Family Unit Aliens (FMUA). Operation Border Guardian/Border Resolve is a response to the surge of families and UACs that illegally entered during the Obama administration.


Border Numbers Up 31 Percent in One Month as ‘Catch and Release’ Continues

The apprehension of illegal border crossers by Border Patrol agents jumped 31 percent in May from the previous month. The jump follows a six-month decline in apprehensions after the election of President Donald Trump. The increase comes as Border Patrol agents report “catch and release” programs are quietly continuing.
