faith - Page 15

Franklin Graham: ‘Jesus Was a Refugee’

Christian Evangelist Franklin Graham has called for prayers for refugees flooding into Europe, telling his followers that as a child, Jesus was a refugee in Egypt because his parents had to flee from Nazareth to avoid the murderous wrath of King Herod.

Franklin Graham

Pope Francis: Jesus ‘Rocks Our World’

In his weekly Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis said that Jesus’ words are sometimes hard to accept, that they “rock our world” and challenge our secular mentality, because he doesn’t offer immediate success but a longer road to true happiness.

Franco Origlia/Getty Images

Prisons Now Recognize ‘Humanism’ As Religion

The most recent example is the inclusion of “humanism” as a religion in federal prisons, with the corresponding rights to time and space for activities, visits by humanist chaplains and access to literature and study materials. Often used as a code word for atheism, humanism, or “secular humanism,” refers to a unifying philosophy of life that seeks meaning in human events without reference to spiritual or non-material realities.

The entrance to El Reno Federal Correctional Institution in El Reno, Oklahoma, July 16, 20

Bobby Jindal to Attend Massive SC Prayer Rally for a ‘Nation in Crisis’

A press release for the event states that the biblical response to a nation in crisis is “to gather in humility and repentance and ask God to intervene.” It describes the meeting as “a historic gathering of people from across the nation to pray and fast for America” that hopes to draw some 10,000 people to “worship God, seek repentance and pray for reconciliation, reformation and revival.”

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Meet With Potential Iowa Voters

President of Vatican Academy Attacks Climate Change Skeptic

In a rare display of diplomatic indecorum, Margaret Archer, the president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, has lashed out at the author of a recent essay, accusing him of hate speech and moral depravity for questioning the Academy’s position on climate change.

REUTERS/Chris Helgren

Why Were Iranians Celebrating in the Streets of Tehran Last Week?

One short week ago, the world watched as the media presented images and videos of Iranian youth dancing, celebrating and passing out sweets in the streets of Tehran over Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s announcement of a tentative nuclear framework deal with America that would allegedly “terminate” U.S. and E.U. sanctions on the country.

Many across the globe wondered why.

AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

Florida College Suspends Student for Exposing Their Radical Islamic Support

A couple of weeks back, Project Veritas released an undercover video they shot at Cornell University in upstate New York, where one the assistant deans of students agreed with the undercover operative that it would be acceptable to have an ISIS “freedom fighter” address the student body, as well as agreeing that sending care packages to the terrorist organization was also aboveboard at the school.

alesh houdek/Flickr

The Deafening Silence of American Jewry in Defense of Israel

Hoping to revive the sagging spirits of America’s dwindling pro-Israel Jewish community, pro-Israel icon William Kristol tries to reassure Weekly Standard readers this week that Jimmy Carter issued anti-Israel threats similar to those now made by President Obama, only to see American Jews and Israel emerge stronger.


Obama: ‘Starting Point of Faith is Doubt’

President Barack Obama sparked outrage among American Christians on Thursday when he decided to use the National Prayer Breakfast as a forum to lecture Christians not to get on their “high horse” in the wake of the burning of a caged live Jordanian pilot by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

Obama 3

Pope Francis: No Place for Wimpy Christians

“God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline,” said Pope Francis Monday, citing Saint Paul. The Pope went after spiritual wimpiness, saying that timidity and shame are the enemies of Christians.


Politico: How Oral Roberts Changed Religion

Roberts’s new message of “positive faith,” in which religion could help with personal needs—from addictions to job searches—took him to a larger congregation in Tulsa and eventually around the world and on television.