South Carolina Fights Back Against ACLU Lawsuit Targeting Faith-Based Foster Care Agencies
McMaster called the ACLU’s lawsuit a “shortsighted attack against every South Carolinian’s constitutionally-protected religious liberty.”

McMaster called the ACLU’s lawsuit a “shortsighted attack against every South Carolinian’s constitutionally-protected religious liberty.”
HHS announced the rescission of waivers to faith-based foster and adoption agencies, which allow them to operate according to their beliefs.
The Biden administration will propose a rule to end federal funding for campus faith-based groups with pro-life and traditional marriage values.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue warned Monday that the Biden administration has inexplicably brought in militant atheists to consult for the White House office on faith-based initiatives.
HHS and DHS proposed rules that would implement Trump’s executive order that protects the religious freedom of faith-based organizations.
The Trump HHS has proposed a rule that would end Obama-era regulations forcing faith-based adoption agencies to compromise their beliefs.
Connecticut pro-life activists celebrated the demise of a Democrat bill that claimed pregnancy care centers engage in deceptive advertising.
A Connecticut faith-based pregnancy care center has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the city of Hartford over its ordinance that is compelling the pro-life ministry to disclose whether its staff holds medical licenses.
Gilchrest said the pro-life pregnancy centers are “purposefully deceiving women into thinking they are accessing reproductive healthcare in order to push religious doctrine” and that this practice “is deceptive and should not be permitted in the state of Connecticut.”
Western Kentucky University has allegedly refused to sponsor Christian service trips despite sponsoring trips from progressive groups for “social justice” service.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a new education policy Thursday that recognizes the important role of non-governmental groups, including faith-based and private organizations, to provide education to children affected by crisis and conflict.