Fact Check: Joe Biden Claims ‘I Am Not Banning Fracking’
It’s not Donald Trump that told voters that Joe Biden was against fracking. Biden told voters himself — repeatedly — in the Democratic debates.
It’s not Donald Trump that told voters that Joe Biden was against fracking. Biden told voters himself — repeatedly — in the Democratic debates.
Joe Biden’s campaign tried to blame President Donald Trump for nationwide riots by twisting a statement by Kellyanne Conway.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper failed to correct Joe Biden for the easily disprovable lie that President Trump has never said “one negative thing” about white supremacists.
Mike Pence was probably correct to say that Trump imposed the China travel ban before the coronavirus spread within th U.S., though not before the first case arrived.
Progressive groups are asking television networks to delay airing parts of the Republican National Convention (RNC) until they can fact-check speakers’ claims.
VERDICT: False. The delegate clearly says the words “spygate” and follows up by saying what sounds like “Creepy Joe.” Trump responds by saying, “Let’s be nice. Biden. This can only happen in North Carolina.”
Obama claimed “we’ve seen things get worse” in the U.S. regarding the coronavirus, but CDC data show new cases are declining.
President Trump said the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville should be “condemned totally,” yet Joe Biden persists with the lie that he called them “very fine people.”
CLAIM: Joe Biden told rapper Cardi B in their much-discussed Elle magazine interview this week that he has “never” broken his word in all of his life. “Just check me out; I’ve never broken my word. Never in my life,” he said.
Former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis suggested that because Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “took on” the big banks as attorney general of California, she will stand up to them as vice president.
Barack Obama claimed in his DNC speech that President Trump had “no interest in common ground.” But Trump literally won an award for bipartisanship from a nonpartisan black organization.
During the Democrat National Convention, a video montage suggested that President Trump called immigrants “animals.”
John Kerry falsely claimed that the Obama-Biden administration eliminated the threat of a nuclear Iran, and mischaracterized its record on ISIS.
During his DNC speech, Gov. Cuomo falsely labeled the coronavirus “the European virus,” suggesting it arrived from Europe, not China.
Fact check – CLAIM: “Joe knows about pandemics” and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo provided “clear direction” on coronavirus. VERDICT: FALSE. Biden has mismanaged past pandemics, and Cuomo’s coronavirus policies were largely a disaster.
Fact check – CLAIM: Trump is trying to rig the 2020 election by removing mailboxes. VERDICT: FALSE. Obama-Biden removed at least 14,000.
CNN claimed on Sunday that President Donald Trump had “promote[d]” the “birther lie” that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) might be ineligible for the vice presidency because her parents may not have been citizens when she was born in Oakland, California, in 1964.
Fact check – CLAIM: “Donald Trump said that if he’s re-elected, he’ll defund Social Security.” VERDICT: FALSE. Trump has never made any such statement.
Fact check – CLAIM: Michael Flynn tried to “neuter” the Obama administration’s sanctions on Russia over election interference. VERDICT: FALSE.
CLAIM: Joe Biden claimed President Trump held a Bible upside-down when he walked to St. John’s Episcopal Church in June. VERDICT: FALSE.
Fact check.- CLAIM: The Obama-Biden administration provided “shovel-ready” jobs in the 2009 “stimulus” that Joe Biden managed. VERDICT: FALSE.
Fact check – CLAIM: President Donald Trump ordered a “Muslim ban” — one that Joe Biden will repeal. VERDICT: FALSE. There is no “Muslim ban,” and never was.
Fact check – CLAIM: Joe Biden doesn’t want to defund the police, just redirect police funding to other uses. VERDICT: Mostly false. They mean the same thing.
A “fact check” by USA Today found scarves worn by several congressional Democrats last week, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Check Schumer, are linked to an empire that sold and traded enslaved Africans.
Politifact’s paid-for agenda is to hide voter fraud and obscure weaknesses in vote by mail. That’s why they refuse to acknowledge 28 million ballots are “missing.”
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) falsely claimed on Monday that President Trump “tear-gassed peaceful protesters for a photo op.”
Naomi Seibt — the young German activist known as the “anti-Greta” for her brave and forthright climate-sceptical views — has become the latest victim of the media/tech establishment’s war on conservative voices.
Twitter corrected the notice that it appended to tweets by President Donald Trump on Tuesday after the Wall Street Journal pointed out that the fact check, itself, was factually inaccurate.
The Twitter official responsible for the platform’s fact-checking policy has tweeted that members of the Trump administration are “Nazis,” among other false and inflammatory statements on the platform.
Twitter added a link to “get the facts” about mail-in ballots after President Trump tweeted out widely-held concerns about the potential for voter fraud. The Twitter-curated “moment” is filled with mainstream media articles from CNN, Washington Post, and other outlets calling Trump a liar.
Fact check – CLAIM: Joe Biden called on Trump to shut down the country’s economy “one week earlier” to deal with coronavirus. VERDICT: FALSE.
Fact check – CLAIM: It is legal for Michigan to send unsolicited applications to vote by mail to every registered voter in the state. VERDICT: UNCLEAR.
During his Morning Joe interview, Biden said Reade’s claims deserve to be taken seriously and fully investigated, but he is the one blocking that full investigation.
Fact check – CLAIM: “Trump rolled over for the Chinese” on coronavirus, while Joe Biden warned the administration to take action.
VERDICT: FALSE. Trump used a travel ban, which Biden opposed, and pressured China to let U.S. experts into the country.
Fact check – CLAIM: President Donald Trump’s “opening the country” council includes “donors and supporters.” VERDICT: MISLEADING. It also includes many opponents.
Fact check – CLAIM: The New York Times claims that President Donald Trump “could have seen what was coming” on coronavirus. VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. The president considered the advice of experts and took some early, drastic actions.
Even Snopes is being, as one might expect, a bit dishonest here. This is not a “mostly false”; it’s a full-blown “false.”
Like millions of Americans, Trump owns mutual funds that give him a stake in nearly every big company in the world.
Fact check – CLAIM: Tea Party Republicans were to blame for President Barack Obama failing to replenish medical supplies in the national stockpile. VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Republicans gave Obama 90% of the budget he wanted.
Fact check – CLAIM: Trump: “You can use a scarf … if people want to do it, there’s certainly no harm to it.” VERDICT: MOSTLY TRUE.