Florida Campus Carry Bill Passes Subcommittee
On March 16, the Florida Senate Higher Education Subcommittee passed SB 176, campus carry legislation, by a vote of 6-3.
On March 16, the Florida Senate Higher Education Subcommittee passed SB 176, campus carry legislation, by a vote of 6-3.
Texas is on the verge of leveling the playing field for women by ignoring the demands of Shannon Watts and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and passing legislation to allow women to carry a handgun, concealed on campus, for self-defense.
Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control groups Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are currently running a television ad against Campus Carry which says, “Backpacks and bullets don’t mix.”
On February 23, Breitbart News reported that Democrat lawmakers in Vermont were on the verge of scrapping expanded background checks supported by Michael Bloomberg and Everytown for Gun Safety.
In an open letter opposing efforts to expand campus carry around the country, Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety demanded an apology from two Republicans who are pushing campus carry as a way for college women to protect themselves against sexual assault.
Leading Democrats in Vermont are close to scrapping a proposed background check requirement for all private gun sales in Vermont.
Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) has introduced the “Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act” to allow a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit holder from one state to carry his or her concealed handgun into any other state. Cornyn said this will put
On February 10, DKNY founder Donna Karan will join Michael Bloomberg, Gabby Giffords, Richard Martinez, and Everytown for Gun Safety for a gun control push that will be marked by the sale of custom bracelets bearing the message “Not One More.”
In 2013, Jessie Doyle Cavett was shot and killed by her estranged husband, Josh Cavett. When Everytown for Gun Safety recently called Jessie’s sister–Jennie Cochran–to get permission to use the story to push gun control, Cochran told them not to use the story “for anything.”
The Huffington Post says the NRA would be better served attending Bloomberg’s “gun violence” coverage conference rather than complaining about it.
Mount Holly, Vermont, gun dealer Bobby Richards has retained a lawyer and is considering a lawsuit over what he claims is defamation resulting from an Everytown for Gun Safety report that wrongly suggested he was selling guns illegally over the Internet.
Days after issuing a report on online firearm ads in Vermont, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is walking back statements about “49 dealers” selling guns illegally and faces a possible lawsuit from Bobby Richards, “owner and operator of CrossFire Arms in Mount Holly.”
On January 29, Al Jazeera claimed there were 12 school shootings in the state of Georgia since December 2012, but some of these shootings were incidents in which no one was shot.
On January 21, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety announced that its three month study of online gun sales in Vermont turned up “seven … people [who] were prohibited by law from possessing firearms.”
In response to reports that the Phoenix-based Dart center was taking money from one of Michael Bloomberg’s gun control groups to underwrite an upcoming April workshop on “journalism” and gun violence, Dart executive director Bruce Shapiro acknowledged the receipt of “$48,000” from Bloomberg’s group but says that will not influence the workshop’s lesson plans.
On April 17 and 18 Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety will help fund a two day workshop to “enhance the practical ability of journalists to report on guns and gun violence knowledgeably, ethically, and effectively.”
On Sunday, Vice News ran a story arguing the government needs to treat guns like cars and regulate them heavily.
In a column dated January 10 The Economist (TE) argues that “tougher laws and less driving by young people” under the age of 25 have led to safer streets while a lack of more laws on guns means “death by guns [has] been trending slightly upward.”
Actress Julianne Moore is the celebrity face for Everytown for Gun Safety’s year-end gun control fundraising campaign.
NYPD officer killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley previously acquired guns by stealing them, according to a new report.
On December 22, The Washington Post (WaPo) claimed private gun ownership makes police less safe. With this assertion, the WaPo joined other reactionaries–like the NAACP and Everytown for Gun Safety–who have politicized the heinous attack on two NYPD officers for
Everytown for Gun Safety claims the December 20 execution of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos was caused by one thing— “lax and inconsistent gun control laws.” They say the fact that different states have different gun laws led
On December 19, PBS used deception to defend the gun control movement by claiming that although “the gun-rights lobby … holds an edge” two years after Sandy Hook, the gun control lobby is gaining ground because of Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun
On December 10, Pew Research released a poll showing Americans want gun rights, not gun control. On December 17, the Huffington Post responded by saying pollsters need to reword poll questions so gun control comes out on top. PEW asked,