Every Student Succeeds Act - Page 2

Obama Praises No Child Left Behind Reform, Universal Pre-K in SOTU

In his final State of the Union address Tuesday evening, President Barack Obama counted the recent reform of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the law’s new pre-school provision as hallmarks of his tenure as president, and he said he will continue to fight for universal pre-K and free community college.

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Rhetoric of ‘Bipartisan’ Every Student Succeeds Act Can’t Mask Its Federal Control of Education

Establishment Washington Republicans could not say enough this past week about how the 1,061-page Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reduces the federal government’s role in education and that it eliminates the fed’s coercion of states to stick with the unpopular Common Core standards. Perhaps most significant to these Republicans is that the bill was a self-proclaimed model of “bipartisanship.”

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Senate Passes Legislation To Replace No Child Left Behind

The U.S. Senate approved the conference legislation known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a measure that – once signed into law by President Obama – will replace the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law and will serve as the latest iteration of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

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Senate Poised To Pass NCLB Rewrite, Alexander and Murray Congratulate Each Other on ‘Bipartisanship’

Alexander, who chairs the Senate committee that oversees education, and ranking member Sen. Patty Murray, congratulated each other numerous times on the floor of the Senate for completing the 1,061-page “bipartisan” conference legislation, much of which was apparently crafted behind closed doors and passed by the House last week after having been published for review only two days earlier.

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Republican House Passes NCLB Rewrite With Support From Nancy Pelosi, Liberal Groups

During floor speeches, Republican lawmakers claimed the bill “reduces the federal role” in education – even though it extends federal oversight of education to formally include pre-school instead of only grades K-12. They also say the measure would stop the federal government from coercing states to implement the Common Core standards – a point that is hotly debated by conservative activists who say the bill actually cements the Common Core further.

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