Evangelicals - Page 3

NAACP’s Barber: White Evangelical Movement Engaging in Heresy

During Saturday’s broadcast of “AM Joy” on MSNBC, North Carolina NAACP President Rev. William Barber claimed the white evangelicals are engaging “in a form of heresy” by supporting GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump even though he has alleged violence towards


How Cruz Beat Expert Predictions and Outran Trump

When the votes were finally counted, the Iowa caucus wasn’t that close at all. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz cruised to a 4-point win over national frontrunner Donald Trump and bested late-rising Sen. Marco Rubio by 6 points.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Donald Trump

President of Liberty University Jerry Falwell Jr. – the site where Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) launched his presidential campaign – endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States on Tuesday.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers the convocation at the Vines Cente

How Donald Trump Can Win Iowa

Donald Trump has a giant, evangelical-shaped hurdle to jump if he wants to win in Iowa. Here’s how he does it.

The Associated Press

Exclusive – Ted Cruz Praises Father’s Evangelical Outreach

While Rafael Cruz’s outreach to the evangelical community may not be a “secret weapon,” his solid reputation and enthusiastic support for his son’s presidential campaign is a significant asset that none of the other GOP presidential contenders can match, especially here in Iowa where evangelical voters are so important in the GOP caucuses.

Ted Cruz at Iowa state fair August 21, 2015.

Scalia in Gay Marriage Ruling Dissent: Where Are the Protestants?

In all the Sturm und Drang following last Friday’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that discovered a right to same-sex marriage in the American Constitution, a fascinating and disturbing observation by Justice Antonin Scalia was largely overlooked: U.S. Protestants had no say whatsoever in the new social order enacted by the Court.

Alex Wong / Getty