euthanasia - Page 3

Child Euthanised In Belgium For First Time

Brussels (AFP) – A terminally ill 17-year-old has become the first minor to be euthanised in Belgium since age restrictions on such mercy killings in the country were lifted in 2014, it was learned Saturday. “The euthanasia has taken place,”


Archbishop: No Equivalence Between Abortion And Other Social Justice Issues

The archbishop went on to explain that while nearly all Catholic dioceses in the United States – including his own – spend far more time and talent on providing social services to the poor rather than on opposing abortion, the fact remains that “children need to survive the womb before they can have needs like food, shelter, immigration counseling and good health care.”

Archibishop of Philadelphia Charles Joseph Chaput attends a news conference at the Vatican

Pope’s Popularity Plummets Among Americans

From his election in April 2013, Pope Francis had steadily gained approval among US citizens, starting at a modest 58 percent and slowly but inexorably climbing to 76 percent in February 2014 and culminating in a high of 78 percent at the end of that year. The moral capital Francis had built up seems to have fallen precipitously in recent months, and his approval rating now languishes at just 59 percent, barely more than what it was just after his election.


Euthanasia Bill Makes Its Way Through California Legislature

An assisted suicide bill which would allow physicians in California to administer lethal drugs to mentally competent, terminally ill patients to accelerate their deaths, passed the first of two state Senate committee panels on Wednesday. The hearing was an emotional one, and legislators heard starkly opposing views.

Brittany Maynard (Maynard family / Associated Press)