EU’s Brexit Negotiator Barnier Warns Macron France Could Leave EU Next
France could be next to leave the European Union if President Macron fails to learn the lessons of Brexit in areas such as migration, says EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier.

France could be next to leave the European Union if President Macron fails to learn the lessons of Brexit in areas such as migration, says EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier.
Italian anger at the European Union continues to remain high as a poll released this week shows four in ten would like their country to leave both the euro currency and the political bloc. The Bidimedia poll showed that while 6.1 per cent
A Finnish Eurosceptic MEP has said that the UK will “triumph” outside of the EU and said the next decade will see the revival of national sovereignty in Europe.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A senior member of a Danish anti-immigration party said Friday he hopes a new right-wing alliance “can have real influence on European policy for the first time ever” after next month’s European Parliament elections.
The leading candidate for the European People’s Party (EPP) Manfred Weber has demanded the European Union stop giving money to populist eurosceptic parties, arguing many want to destroy the political bloc.
Italy’s Matteo Salvini has hailed the strong electoral performance of the populist Sweden Democrats over the weekend, and promised more gains in next year’s EU elections.
The European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator has claimed the “chaos” of UK’s exit from the bloc will stem the rise of populist Euroscepticism on the continent and make Europeans ‘attached’ to the Brussels bureaucracy once more.
In a new poll by Das Bild, the broadly Eurosceptic AfD party has risen to a record high of 16 percent approval nationally, while Merkel’s ruling coalition has fallen below the 50 percent mark for the first time in its existence.
The principal leader of the Church of England has declared the European Union (EU) “the greatest dream realised for human beings since the fall of the Western Roman Empire”.
Deputy speaker of the Polish parliament and member of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) Ryszard Terlecki has claimed that the European Union is facing its greatest crisis as divisions between East and West continue to grow.
Italians are set to elect a new government on Sunday with anti-mass migration and Eurosceptic parties dominating the polls in an election that could shake the European Union to its foundations.
As national elections draw near, Italians find themselves further and further removed from the European Union (EU), according to a new study.
After the victory of pro-sovereignty Czech President Miloš Zeman, many are looking to the next three big national elections in Europe this year in which populists and pro-sovereignty parties look to dominate in Italy and Hungary and place strongly in Sweden.
Italian populist Matteo Salvini, frontrunner to win the nation’s coming elections, has said the European Union “can go f*ck itself” in an explosive interview.
A poll has shown that the majority of Italian voters between the ages of 18 and 40 support Eurosceptic parties like the Five Star Movement and the new right-wing coalition of populist Lega Nord and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia.
Brussels is spending half a million Euros on projects in the UK which aim to kill Euroscepticism and reverse Brexit, European Commission documents have revealed.
Italy’s insurgent, populist, Eurosceptic party is on track to win the next general election, polling at its highest ever reading.
Scottish Nationalists (SNP) are to abandon plans to immediately re-join the European Union (EU) if Scotland leaves the UK, as polls show Scots are more Eurosceptic than ever before and currently reject independence.
“Anti-establishment” parties which lie on the ‘radical right’ of the political spectrum enjoy the most support amongst young people in Poland, new research has found.
Members of the European Parliament and “progressive” city mayors from across the continent have met to discuss “tackling Euroscepticism and populism”.
MUNICH (GERMANY) (AFP) – Germany’s Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Friday warned Washington against hurting European cohesion and seeking a rapprochement with Russia behind the backs of its allies.
The man tipped as the next U.S. ambassador to the European Union (EU) has slammed the “undemocratic” and “anti-American” bloc, indicating the Trump administration will “encourage a reversal of the… drive to a socialist, protectionist, United States of Europe”.
A huge majority of French voters are distrustful of their government and European Union (EU) institutions – a higher proportion than amongst UK citizens.
The former president of the European Parliament, now vying to be Germany’s next chancellor, has said populism is a “virus” that “could lead to the end of the European Union” (EU).
MOSCOW (AFP) – Moldova’s president said Tuesday he hoped the ex-Soviet nation’s association agreement with the European Union would be cancelled if his party obtains a parliamentary majority, paving the way for an alliance with Moscow.
Senior MEPs are plotting to change the European Parliament’s rules to starve Eurosceptic parties of European Union (EU) money. Along with changing the rules so that smaller parties will no longer receive cash, they also propose funding only groups which
Analysts at Citi have called a probable Italian referendum on constitutional reform next fall “the single biggest risk on the European political landscape this year,” bigger even than Brexit.
Contrary to a popular narrative portraying Scotland as fiercely pro-European Union (EU), Euroscepticism is rife across Scotland with some 60 per cent of Scots expressing Eurosceptic views, a report has found. Yet despite growing dissatisfaction with the European project, latest polling
(AFP) – A local council in London became the first in Britain to endorse leaving the European Union in a vote. Havering Council in east London voted by 30 to 15 in favour of a motion tabled by a councillor
A new poll has shown a young Eurosceptic party surging to become Italy’s second most popular, such that under the country’s electoral system they could win the next election in 2017 or 18. Italy’s “Five Star” anti-establishment “movement” is
Prime Minister David Cameron faces a double blow on Europe this week as he squares off against both EU judges on the matter of prisoners voting, and his own supporters on the campaign for a British exit from the EU.
Support for a British exit from the European Union is rapidly growing on the left. Some trade unions and politicians are now even considering forming a campaigning organisation to lobby for an ‘out’ vote in the referendum on membership. The
From The Independent: And now for Greece’s moment of truth. Or not, as the case may be. The effectively bankrupt country, its economy paralysed and its banks set to run out of cash on Monday, goes to the vote in
In a sign that eurosceptic sentiment is spreading across the Continent, it has been announced that 261,159 Austrians beat the 1 July deadline to sign a petition supporting a referendum on whether Austria should leave the EU. This means the threshold of 100,000
Labour leader Ed Miliband has been heaped with ridicule after suggesting that Eurosceptics were endangering the people of Britain by putting the country at increased risk of terrorism. Critics have pointed out that membership of the EU has in itself
Growing discord within the European Union has topped a top ten list of global threats, ahead of Putin’s Russia and ISIS. The list was compiled by leading risk consultancy Eurasia Group, who warned that the rise of populist parties threatened