European Central Bank - Page 3

World View: Hezbollah Backs Down from War with Israel

Hezbollah backs down from war with Israel; Clashes between Nusra front and Free Syrian Army spreading in Syria; Jundallah takes credit for massive mosque attack in Pakistan; Egypt’s military begins ‘wide military offensives’ in North Sinai; Greece clashes with eurogroup ‘No more bailout, no more troika!’; In Denmark you are now paid to take out a mortgage

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

Germany Carves Out a Backdoor Exit from the Euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) gave the Left and their allies meeting in Davos, Switzerland, everything they could have hoped for with the announcement that they have agreed to print $1.13 trillion of new cash to buy the national debt of their insolvent members. But “hidden within the announcement is evidence of Germany’s weakening commitment to the European project,” according to Stratfor.


European Trade War is Breaking Out

The European Constitutional Court of Justice ruled the European Central Bank (ECB) has unlimited authority to massively inflate the euro. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) was forced to drop its fixed exchange rate for the nation’s “franc” currency.


China is Exporting Deflation to Europe

China’s Producer Price Index (PPI) that measures the price changes for the goods and services produced by the nation has fallen for 32 straight months. As the factory to the world, China has been exporting deflation. The economic impact has been increasing the real burden of debt, driving down worldwide wages and discouraging consumption.
