Kansas City Archbishop Sues Satanists for Alleged Theft of Holy Eucharist
Kansas City Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann recently filed a lawsuit against a satanic group for allegedly stealing a Holy Eucharist.

Kansas City Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann recently filed a lawsuit against a satanic group for allegedly stealing a Holy Eucharist.
In the largest survey of American Catholics ever conducted, vast numbers of the faithful blame Communion in the hand, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, and homosexuality among the clergy as the most powerful reasons for lack of faith in the Eucharist.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was seen in a video posted by a leftist influencer feeding the woman Doritos while on her knees.
Progressive San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy has doubled down in his defense of active homosexuality, asserting that gay sex is not necessarily a serious sin.
A church in Park Slope, Brooklyn, was left in shock after the theft of its tabernacle, an irreplaceable piece of sacred art.
The United States bishops released a long-awaited document on worthiness to receive Holy Communion Wednesday, in which they insist that politicians have a particular responsibility to uphold the Church’s moral teachings.
ROME — Jesus Christ is “the bread of life” and “he alone nourishes the soul,” Pope Francis declared Sunday during his weekly Angelus address.
The New York Times politicized the call from faithful American Catholics who urged their bishops to defend the profound teaching that Jesus is actually present in the Eucharist, and that self-professed Catholic public officials who support “grave moral evils,” such as abortion and euthanasia, not receive communion.
U.S. Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) has challenged the U.S. bishops to refuse him Holy Communion at Mass, flaunting his support for abortion and same-sex marriage.
Sixty Catholic Democrats in Congress have written an open “Statement of Principles” explaining why the Catholic Church should not deny Holy Communion to professed Catholics who promote abortion.
The U.S. bishops voted overwhelmingly Friday to approve drafting a document on the reception of Holy Communion, a topic with clear repercussions for President Joe Biden, a professed Catholic who supports the expansion of abortion rights.
A survey found 74 percent of churchgoing Catholics say Catholic politicians who oppose the Church’s teachings should not receive communion.
Each bishop must decide whether to allow pro-abortion politicians to receive Holy Communion rather than the U.S. Bishops’ Conference (USCCB), Jesuit Cardinal Michael Czerny said Thursday.
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said Saturday that politicians who advance pro-abortion legislation cooperate in the “grave moral evil” of killing an unborn child and should not receive Holy Communion.
Professional atheist Richard Dawkins went after Catholics on Sunday, insisting belief in the Eucharist as Christ’s body and blood is “madness.”
Howard County, Maryland, has reversed course on a ban on reception of the Eucharist during Masses this weekend.
Unidentified vandals broke into the Church of Saint-Jean-des-Cordeliers in southwest France Tuesday and jimmied open the tabernacle to steal the consecrated hosts.
Pope Francis has written a powerful letter urging priests in Rome to step up the spiritual care of souls during the coronavirus pandemic.
A poll surveying the Catholic vote finds Trump is in a slightly stronger position among Catholics, but still trails behind the Democrat candidates.
Bishop Renato Marangoni of the northern Italian diocese of Belluno-Feltre has apologized to remarried Catholics, urging them to come forward and receive the Eucharist.
More than two-thirds of U.S. Catholics do not believe in what is arguably their Church’s most distinctive teaching: that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ, the Pew Research Center has found.
Progressive German Cardinal Walter Kasper has blasted the Vatican’s former doctrinal chief, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, saying that his recent restatement of principles of the Catholic faith will lead to “confusion and division.”
A Catholic Mass will be celebrated next October in the medieval cathedral of Lund, where Catholics have not worshiped since the days of the Reformation.
Pope Francis reiterated traditional Catholic doctrine Wednesday, reminding pilgrims that no one in a state of mortal sin should receive Holy Communion.
Pope Francis urged the faithful—including bishops and priests—to put away their cell phones during Mass and to focus on what is going on.
“A Catholic, who has procured an abortion or has publicly advocated it, which could be any politician, is not to present his or herself for Communion and a priest is supposed to withhold it,” said Jay W. Richards, who teaches at the Catholic University School of Business and Economics.
Where there is no family meal together, there is no family, Pope Francis told the thousands gathered in Saint Peter’s Square Wednesday, urging his hearers to put away their cell phones and protect family dinners as a precious way to bind the family together.
In his two years as Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis has become known as the Pope of the poor and disenfranchised, but in his Angelus message Sunday he reminded his hearers of the predominance of the spiritual over material life, saying