Rep. Eric Burlison: National Firearms Act Must Go, It Is ‘Government Overreach’
Over the weekend, Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) used a post on X to describe the National Firearms Act (NFA) as “government overreach” and renewed his call for its repeal.
Over the weekend, Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) used a post on X to describe the National Firearms Act (NFA) as “government overreach” and renewed his call for its repeal.
Not everyone at the anti-gun March for Our Lives last weekend in Washington, DC, was on the bandwagon for taking away the right to bear arms guaranteed by the Constitution’s Second Amendment.
On Saturday one of the protesters at the student march for gun control described guns she wants to ban as those that fire “an automatic disposal of bullets.”
During the March 15 airing of Breitbart News Daily, Gun Owners of America’s Erich Pratt stressed that students need more protection than that which comes from a “No Guns Allowed” sign.
Gun Owners of America is preparing to file a lawsuit once the Trump administration puts bump stock gun control in place.
GOA is decrying the ATF’s latest push for bump stock gun control, contending that part of the solution is to defund the ATF altogether.
Gun Owners of America sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan urging him to remember that a bump stock ban will lead to magazine bans.
The anti-gun Left is trying to persuade Americans to support a ban on bump stocks in the wake of the horrific Las Vegas shooting.
The AR-15 is the quintessential American rifle of the 21st century — the same as the Kentucky long rifle was to the American colonists
Gun Owners of America is urging Congress to repeal a 20th century gun control regulation put in place by then Representative Chuck Schumer; a man who has now made a name as one of the most anti-Second Amendment members of the U.S. Senate.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is urging freedom-loving Americans to contact their Senators and urge them to confirm Neil Gorsuch as the next justice of the Supreme Court.
On January 11 the NRA Blog listed @AWRHawkins as one of eight Twitter accounts that pro-gun Americans need to follow in 2017.
The list includes everything from “exposing Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun agenda” to securing constitutional carry in various states to helping defeat President Obama’s gun-control Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.
On September 15, Gun Owners of America (GOA) pointed out that Republican lawmakers’ override of Governor Jay Nixon’s (D) veto of SB 656 makes Missouri the fourth state to adopt permitless carry this year.
On August 18 Gun Owners of America (GOA) highlighted “the lie behind gun free zones” by pointing out that disarming good guys does not disarm bad guys.
During a June 23 appearance on CNN, Gun Owners of America’s Erich Pratt shut down host Carol Costello’s gun violence inquisition by reminding her that she had omitted defensive gun uses.
On May 5, Gun Owners of America (GOA) announced that National Reciprocity legislation has more than 80 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.
Gun owners in Idaho and West Virginia can now carry their weapons concealed without a permit, allowing Gun Owners of America (GOA) to claim victory over “Bloomberg’s billions.”
The Senate should “bury” President Obama’s judicial nomination and declare it “Dead on Arrival,” Gun Owners of America (GOA) urged the Senate.