Eric Cantor - Page 2

Scott Walker Catches Fire In Virginia: Hillary Clinton Should Be ‘Disqualified’ From Being President

Speaking before a crowd of a couple hundred at a PWC Young Republicans cookout at the county GOP headquarters, Walker lambasted the Washington establishment and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said Clinton’s email scandal should mean she is “disqualified” from being president. He joked, too, that the leftwing Occupy Wall Street movement didn’t start on Wall Street—it started on his street in Wisconsin. Most importantly, Walker—who did slip a little bit in some recent polls as businessman Donald Trump has risen to become the clear GOP frontrunner—appeared to have a renewed level of energy and seemed to be having fun.

The Associated Press

Darin LaHood and Ill. GOP Establishment Attempt to Elbow Conservative Opponent Out of 18th District Race

Illinois establishment Republican candidate Darin LaHood is being accused of making behind-the-scenes crony capitalist deals, attempting to mask his moderate voting record, refusing to debate a legitimate opponent, and trying to cajole voters to vote before they have even heard what the candidates stand for in the 18th District special election set to replace now disgraced establishment Republican Aaron Schock.

AP Photo/John O’Connor

House Homeland Security Committee Aides Say No Fence For Border, Because It’s Too Expensive

A border bill introduced by House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) has less than 50 miles of border fencing because McCaul thinks it would cost American taxpayers too much to secure the whole border, McCaul aides tell Breitbart News. In addition, committee materials that were distributed to House Republicans in an effort to win their support for the bill contain provably false information—specifically a claim that there are already 652 miles of double-layer fencing, of the 700 miles required by law, built on the U.S. border with Mexico.

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Davos 2014: The Beginning of Cantor’s End

With this year’s Davos conference ramping up – USA Today calls it the “conference for the 1%” – it seems worth noting that if last year’s conference achieved anything, it may be that it went a long way to help unseat then-influential Republican, Eric Cantor.

Ap Photo/J Scott Applewhite-ap

Boehner Ally Steve Scalise Rocked By White Supremacy Scandal

A member of John Boehner’s inner circle is under fire even as the House Speaker is at his most vulnerable. Exactly one week before the House GOP’s top official will seek re-election to his post, multiple sources report that his deputy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, spoke at a conference of white supremacists back in 2002.
