Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Page 6

EPA Coal Rule Skirts Law: 10 Percent of Comments From Obama’s OFA

But while the EPA itself causes actual pollution, it’s also attempting to subvert the administrative law rule-making process. Political insiders are working to generate millions of astroturfed comments from Barack Obama’s former Presidential campaign operation, now called Organizing for America, and left wing environmental groups. The latest instance of this propaganda operation was seen in the rule making process that resulted in the recently finalized “Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units” rule.

A bulldozer works a coal mound at the Appalachian Electric Power coal-fired Big Sandy Powe

EPA Causes Massive Hazardous Spill in West

The timing of the dangerous spill caused by the EPA, one that would quite possibly result in criminal charges had it been caused by a private firm, is not good for the EPA. Last week, the agency finalized a carbon dioxide emission regulation for coal power plants that at least 16 states are already challenging in court, claiming it is both draconian and not based on any statutory authority.

People kayaking in the Animas River near Durango, Colo., last Thursday, in water colored f

EPA’s Clean Power Plan Hammers Republicans, Spares Democrats

The EPA’s final Clean Power Plan, released on August 3, financially hammers coal-dependent states, compared to the Obama Administration’s 2014 draft proposal. Nine months after the loss of Kentucky Democrat Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes and the retirement of West Virginia Democrat Jay Rockefeller, the EPA’s attack on coal country is all about going after Republicans.

Coal miners (Justin Sullivan / Getty)

Report: Detailed Evidence of ‘Cozy Relationships,’ Secret Meetings Between Obama Admin and Environmental Activists

One day after President Obama released new environmental regulations for power plant emissions, the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) released a detailed report of its “unprecedented” findings of the “inner-workings” of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), suggesting the EPA and the White House were all too “cozy” with environmental activists.


Regulatory Capture: Left-Wing Activists Write EPA Talking Points

When activists conspire with like-minded bureaucrats to impose mutually agreeable compulsive agendas on the rest of the public, the arrangement is every bit as corrupt as any crude payoff scheme. The result is the same: a conspiracy against the public interest, for the benefit of a powerful few.


EPA Tells Kids to Avoid Baths and Asks them to Check Toilets for Leaks

Parents across America who struggle to keep their young rambunctious kids clean now have a new obstacle: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

As part of its effort to help save the planet from the dangers of taking too many baths, EPA’s WaterSense program is trying to convince kids they should avoid bathtubs in favor of showers, which it says is a far more efficient use of water.


EPA Targeting Oil & Gas Industry Even Though Emissions Down

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has taken yet another regulatory action to interfere with oil and gas production – long considered an activity with de minimus impact on air quality. The Agency now sets its sights on methane, which is the primary component of natural gas. Methane emissions from natural gas systems have fallen by 14.3% from 2008-2012. Any leaks from hydraulically fractured natural gas wells have fallen by 73% from 2011-2013. In this same time frame, the U.S. has become the world’s leading producer of natural gas, nearly quadrupling production rates from those in 2008, as well as increasing natural gas pipelines by 30%. In spite of the steep decline of methane emissions and steady economic growth, the White House recently moved forward with the Climate Action Plan, directing the EPA to propose expansive rules by the summer of 2015. The new regulations aim to reduce methane emissions by 40-45% from 2012 levels by 2025 through a series of actions targeting the oil and gas industry.

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