Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Page 5

EPA Refuses to Pay $1.2 billion in Damages Over Toxic Spill

On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency said it will not repay over $1.2 billion for economic damages it caused as the result of the toxic Gold King Mine waste spill it accidentally triggered in Colorado last year, citing the Federal Tort Claims Act as the basis for its decision.

toxic spill CBS Denver

Rich Trzupek: I Bet $1,000 the Air Will Be Cleaner in 2020 with Pruitt Running EPA

Many, if not all, big environmental organizations have described President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in apocalyptic, disastrous terms. I must, for one of the few times in my professional career, agree with the big environmental organizations. When Pruitt is confirmed as EPA administrator, that will indeed be a disaster—for big environmental organizations. The rest of us, along with planet Earth, will get along just fine.

Scott Pruitt

Texas Farmers Cheer Trump EPA Pick

Members of the Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) announced their support for Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head up the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Trump Administration.

Farmer Bill Buckman adjusting his water-efficient ctr-pivot irrigation system in cotton fi

Texas Farmers Promise D.C. Fight for Land, Water

The president of the Texas Farm Bureau warned ranchers and farmers at the 83rd annual meeting that the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule for waters in the U.S., “if it’s allowed to happen, will hamstring many farmers and ranchers to the extent that it might not even be possible to farm.” Farmers and ranchers in Texas are struggling with government bureaucracy in many areas.


Isaac Orr: Trump to Obama’s Energy Legacy: ‘You’re Fired’

President Barack Obama campaigned with the pledge he would fundamentally transform the energy sector of the United States when he took office, and to a large extent, he succeeded. Most of this legacy was strong-armed into law using executive orders and administrative overreach, and, as a result, the survival of his agenda depended upon a presidential administration succeeding him with similar goals and a desire to cement his executive orders into place for years to come.

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

My Work Here Is Finished

For the past decade, I have been dedicated to fighting bad energy policies. My efforts began in New Mexico, where the organizations I lead are based, and expanded to focus on national issues. When I accepted the executive director position on January 1, 2007, New Mexico had an anti-energy governor and America had a pro-energy president. Two years later that flipped. By then, I’d become deeply committed to what I began to call the “energy makes America great!” message.

Trump Energy Coal AP

Militant Native American Protesters Attack Pipeline Crew

A longstanding protest against a Texas-based energy company’s plan to build a pipeline near tribal lands in North Dakota turned violent against construction crews and a limited security team over the Labor Day weekend.

Various videos and local reports have confirmed that “hundreds” of Native American protesters and supporters of the Standing Rock Sioux turned violent at a construction site under the management of Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners near Cannon Ball, ND. The Associated Press reported that four private security guards and two dogs were injured in the incident as a result, according to the Morton County Sherriff’s Office. Though protesters have asserted through a variety of mediums that they were the ones first attacked, many of their own videos purport to show the opposite occurred.

Pipeline Protest

GOP Energy Report Card, 2015

Last year, when Republicans gained a decisive edge in both houses of Congress, I made predictions as to the six energy-policy changes we could expect—as the two parties have very different views on energy issues.

The Associated Press

Jerry Brown Blasts Texas, West Virginia on Climate

Governor Jerry Brown of California has publicly ripped Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey for daring to challenge President Barack Obama’s agenda on climate change ahead of a UN conference in Paris.

Jerry Brown (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

Alberta Oil Companies Hemorrhage Cash After NDP Tax Hike

President Obama is not alone in wielding governmental power to clamp down on carbon-emitting energy. While he weaponizes the Environmental Protection Agency to take on coal-powered energy, potentially shutting down hundreds of coal-fired power plants, Alberta’s new socialist NDP government is pushing ostensibly environmentally-minded policies against oil on shared premises of combating “climate change.”

The Suncor refinery in Edmonton, Canada seen here on June 17, 2015, has a capacity of refi

EPA Continues to Hide Pollution Data on Colorado Toxic Spill

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still won’t provide direct answers to questions about the water exfiltration rates and pollution levels at the Gold King mine immediately before and after the August 5 spill that sent 3 million gallons of toxic waste into the Animas River and turned it orange.

A settling pond is used at Cement Creek, which was flooded with millions of gallons of min

EPA Fails to Acknowledge It Coerced Mine Owner to Grant Access

The Environmental Protection Agency isn’t responding to claims by Todd Hennis, owner of the Gold King mine in Colorado that the agency coerced him to grant access to his property. Once taking over, of course, EPA’s incompetent attempts to remove debris created a massive 3 million gallon toxic waste spill from the mine.

People kayaking in the Animas River near Durango, Colo., last Thursday, in water colored f