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White House: ‘No Reason To Contradict’ Hillary On Email Law

“I don’t have any reason to contradict what Secretary Clinton has said,” Earnest replied, before relying on his usual set of talking points on the e-mail controversy. Earnest called Clinton’s request to the State Department to make the emails she turned over to the agency public an “extraordinary step” in transparency.

REUTERS/Stefan Rousseau

Clinton Lied About Subpoenas In CNN Interview

Perhaps you’ve heard of little things called the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Acts? Apparently Hillary Clinton hasn’t. She’s also evidently suffered a convenient attack of amnesia concerning the Obama Administration’s policies about the proper treatment of official correspondence – which is funny, because she was running the show when one of her employees got in hot water for doing the exact same thing.

hillary clinton sunglasses blackberry Kevin Lamarque AP

Cyber Security Fail: Saluting Hillary Clinton for Not Trusting the Big Gov’t She Worships

Just for a moment, let us indulge McLaughlin and Clift and suppose Hillary Clinton, contrary to all available evidence and testimony, really did set up a private server because she thought the State Department system she was required to use was dangerously vulnerable. What does that tell us about Big Government and its high priestess? The Democrats who saddled us with a gigantic burden of taxes, deficit spending, and regulations don’t trust the multi-trillion-dollar government they’ve built.


Hillary Clinton Received Now-Classified Info On Her Private Server

It must be stressed repeatedly – as the mainstream media will be extremely reluctant to do – that absolutely none of this information was provided voluntarily by Hillary Clinton or the Obama Administration. Every last drop of it was cudgeled out of them with Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and congressional investigations, over a span of years.

hillary clinton sunglasses blackberry Kevin Lamarque AP

Reminder To Media: Helping Hillary Is Not Your Job

Here’s the thing, reporters: it’s your job to remind Americans that Hillary’s under a thick cloud of scandal, and may end up under indictment, for running the off-the-books email server she was plugged into with that BlackBerry. It’s your job to remind American voters, over and over again, that Clinton jeopardized national security and deliberately violated transparency laws by doing this.

The Associated Press

Russian Hackers Penetrated the White House Computer System

CNN is reporting late Tuesday the stunning admission by the Obama White House that its system was penetrated by the same Russian hackers who got into the State Department. Given the strength of the White House’s security system, Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server would have been child’s play for this crew to raid.


Confirmed: Hillary Clinton Lied About Not Wanting To Carry Two Email Devices

All of us, including – no, especially – Democrat voters, need to think long and hard about whether we’re ready to wave aside all legal restraints on the aristocracy, in favor of trial by political combat. Making polls the only courtroom aristocrats ever need to face is a dumb idea, but it’s especially dumb when their favorite crimes involve concealing their activities and misleading the public.

The Associated Press

Former FOIA Overseer Calls Hillary’s Email Defense ‘Laughable’

It’s not news, but the Clinton email scandal reminds us that the increasingly despotic Democrat Party thinks representative government should be done away with, replaced by a single election every four years to empower a unitary gridlock-free imperial executive. The emperor, or empress, can’t be distracted by peasants who forget their place and file Freedom of Information Act requests, either.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Americans Are Aggressively Pro-Government Spying

We’ve known for years that most Americans support the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance apparatus. Poll after poll shows that about roughly 53 percent of Americans think the government should prioritize investigating terrorism over privacy.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Bolton: Lack of Hillary Email Security ‘800 Lb. Gorilla’

In a conversation with Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Saturday radio program, former Ambassador John Bolton called the lack of security on Hillary Clinton’s private email server the “800 pound gorilla” of the scandal that has surrounded the former Secretary of State in recent days.

AP Photo/Dennis Cook

No One Read Hillary’s Emails Before Deleting Them

So many emails to read, so little time. It turns out Hillary Clinton’s lawyers deleted a lot of email without actually reading it. That, of course, raises new questions about whether she really handed over all work-related email to the State Department.

NEW YORK, NY - DECEMBER 15: Former U.S. Secretary of State and first lady Hillary Clinton

Did Hillary Clinton Destroy Subpoenaed Documents?

A full investigation will be needed. But it’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which Hillary Clinton’s private mail server was not used to conceal, and perhaps destroy, documents covered by Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and congressional subpoenas.

Time Hillary Horns

How Hillary Compromised The President’s E-mail Security

The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton risked national security, and completely destroyed public accountability, for what she claims in her defense was a trifling matter of personal convenience. She’s not qualified to hold any position of trust whatsoever with such astoundingly poor judgment.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Hillary: Carrying Two Phones Was Tough, So I Jeopardized National Security And Evaded Transparency Laws

In her big news conference, Hillary Clinton peddled the astounding excuse that she thought two different smart phones would be required to check both State Department mail and her personal mail when she traveled, and carrying two phones was just too much trouble, so she found it easier to set up her own private mail server — endangering national security and evading transparency laws in the process.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Hillary’s Email Revelations Followed Request from Benghazi Select Committee

Contrary to claims made a State Department spokeswoman, Hillary Clinton’s emails were not requested as part of some records-keeping process. They were requested after officials at the State Department realized they needed the documents to respond to information requests from the Benghazi Select Committee. If not for the Committee’s request, it’s unlikely the public would have learned about Hillary’s private email server.

AP Photo

McCain on Hillary Email: Serious, May Be A Violation of Law

Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen/ John McCain (R-AZ) criticized former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the evolving scandal over reports that while head of the State Department, Clinton exclusively emailed all official State Department emails using her

From 2007: Hillary Attacks Bush White House For Secret Emails

In 2007, at the “Take Back America,” event  held by the Campaign for America’s Future, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, criticized George W. Bush’s administration for so-called “secret emails.” Clinton said, “We know our Constitution
