Elizabeth Warren - Page 19

***Live Updates*** Democrats Debate in California

Democrats Joe Biden, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar will take the stage tonight at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, for the PBS NewsHour/Politico presidential debate. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern. 


Buttigieg: Warren ‘Can’t Even Meet’ her own ‘Purity Tests’

While speaking with the Washington Post on Friday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg accused 2020 rival Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) of creating “purity tests” on fundraising and donors that Warren doesn’t even meet. Buttigieg said, [relevant exchange begins

WESTERVILLE, OHIO - OCTOBER 15: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) listens to South Bend, Indian

DNC Announces Four More Democrat Primary Debates

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced on Thursday four more Democrat primary debates slated for the new year, one in each key early primary state – Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina – ahead of their respective elections.

Members of the media are given a preview of the debate hall at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas

Shots Fired: Bernie Sanders Takes Aim at Pete Buttigieg

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) deviated from his general tendency to refrain from launching direct attacks against fellow candidates and took aim at Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), who has criticized the socialist senator’s plan to provide tuition-free college to everyone, even billionaires.

Democratic presidential candidates South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Berni