Elena Kagan - Page 3

Survey: Elite Schools Worst Offenders on ROTC

From a report by Young America’s Foundation: On the campaign trail, then Senator Obama said that he would support reinstituting the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) on our nation’s campuses despite “differences in terms of military policy.” Young America’s Foundation

Senate Confirms Kagan as 112th Justice

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan as the 112th justice and fourth woman to serve on the Supreme Court.The vote was 63-37 for President Barack Obama’s nominee to succeed retired Justice John Paul Stevens. Five Republicans joined

Newt Takes on Shariah and Ground Zero Mosque

Three cheers for Newt Gingrich! For the first time, a major national American political figure has directly and accurately taken on the wellspring of the single most dangerous threat we confront today: the comprehensive, totalitarian and barbaric program the authorities

Elena Kagan's Active Promotion of Shariah Law

The Center for Security Policy’s web ad raising questions about Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination targets her dedication to Shariah law: “As Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan banned military recruiters from campus because US law said they couldn’t

Kagan, Shariah, and Cultural Relativism

At the hearings for Elena Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court, Senator Jeff Sessions rightly pointed out a dramatic inconsistency in the nominee’s capacity for outrage: While deploring the United States’ policy of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” in no uncertain

Elena Kagan Disrespected Military and Law

In her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan faced justifiable criticism for her deliberate discrimination against military recruiters while she was Dean of Harvard Law School. But with the exception of Ranking Member

Kagan's Double Standard

Despite Elena Kagan’s impressive “evasiveness,” observers have noted a loose and shifting commitment to the principle of free speech. But her position, and that of liberal legal academics, is really quite simple: She favors free speech for the right people

Will Kagan Do A Sotomayor on Gun Rights?

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor came off as a 2nd Amendment defender when she was being questioned during her confirmation hearings. She voted the other way when a gun rights case came to The Court. Can we now trust

The Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, and Guns

This week’s historic Supreme Court case on gun rights has pivotal implications for Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings. From now on, the biggest battles over the Second Amendment will be won or lost in the Supreme Court. In the

Pushing Back for Truth

Left wing blogs have their dander up. They’re attacking me for saying the Elena Kagan favors cloning human beings. Once again, they are trying to confuse the public about what’s involved in cloning humans. Just because they favor killing the

Markets and Morals

There’s an old joke about a Transylvanian cookbook. The recipe for an omelet starts off with this: “First, steal two eggs.” If that note really appeared in some country’s cookbook, don’t look for constitutional government or a free market system

DNC, Obama Now Astroturfing Talk Radio

The shameless media manipulators at the DNC have a new campaign designed to promote Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. As with previous campaigns, the “Kagan for Justice Action Center” is run via a special website set up by Organizing

Democrats Should Vote Against Elena Kagan

Thirty-seven current Democrat U.S. Senators, along with former Senators Barack Obama and Joseph Biden, believed that Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, or Samuel Alito were not sufficiently qualified to be on the Supreme Court. Using their own standards, Elena

Kagan: Shill for Shariah?

Newt Gingrich is among those who have noted a serious chink in the protective armor the Obama administration and Elena Kagan’s other defenders have tried to throw up around her Supreme Court nomination. The vulnerability has taken on increased importance

Elena Kagan — Worryingly Wobbly On the First Amendment

The first amendment to the United States Constitution is so profoundly important that it permeates nearly every sector of our society. Clearly, America’s forefathers deemed the contents of this primary amendment so essential that it was perfectly positioned to precede

Kagan Opposes Second Amendment Gun Rights

A third instance of Elena Kagan opposing Americans’ Second Amendment right to own a gun became public Thursday, ensuring gun rights will be a major issue in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings. It also confirms that President Obama’s gun-control agenda

Kagan's Gun Problem

Elena Kagan may be hostile to the view that the 2ndAmendment to the Constitution protects American’s individual right to keep and bear arms. Bloomberg reports today, “Kagan Was ‘Not Sympathetic’ as Law Clerk to Gun-Rights Argument.” With the evidence presented

Daily Gut: Kagan's Stance

So some gay groups are upset over a photo the Wall Street Journal ran of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan: It was also a picture we ran on Monday. It’s of her playing softball. The beef? That the shot is

Judge Richard Posner vs. Academic Elena Kagan

I have been perusing the paper trail for SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan, but most of it is mere puffery written for the purposes of a future nomination. I will continue to examine her record and analyze her work (because politicians