Electric Vehicle (EV) - Page 9

‘Not Much Different Than the Model T:’ Ford CEO Thinks Company Will Teach Americans to Love Electric Cars

Despite facing significant challenges in the electric vehicle (EV) market, Ford CEO Jim Farley remains unwavering in his commitment to push the company’s EV production forward. In a recent interview, he compared electric vehicles to Henry Ford’s first cars, stating, “It’s actually not much different than the Model T, when we had to teach people to drive because they’re coming off a horse. I think the industry has a huge education to do.”

James Farley, president and chief executive officer of Ford Motor Co., speaks during a lau

‘Bloody Dangerous:’ Jeremy Clarkson Blasts Electric Cars over Safety Concerns

In a recent critique, television star and car enthusiast Jeremy Clarkson has voiced serious concerns about the safety of electric vehicles, calling them “bloody dangerous.” His concern goes beyond cars to other devices powered by batteries, like electric bikes. Clarkson writes, “People have died, and that’s not surprising when you learn that a fully charged e-bike contains the same explosive energy as six hand grenades.”

Jeremy Clarkson smokes while driving