Watch: Warehouse With 900 Tonnes of Recycled Lithium Car Batteries Bursts Into Flames
A massive fire broke out at a French industrial site used for recycling hybrid and electric car batteries on Saturday.

A massive fire broke out at a French industrial site used for recycling hybrid and electric car batteries on Saturday.
An electric car sold by Elon Musk’s Tesla burst into flames on a Pennsylvania highway on Tuesday after a large piece of debris became lodged underneath it. The car fire ended up reducing the electric vehicle to a pile of scrap metal and ash. Luckily the car’s owners and their dog escaped unscathed.
The electric vehicle of an unfortunate Washington, DC, tourist ran out of battery in the middle of a remote West Virginia road on Friday. Thankfully, a few unlikely good Samaritans were nearby to rescue the stranded traveler.
Tesla employees are claiming that as much as 40 percent of the parts manufactured by the company are flawed, causing expensive rework and hurting employee morale.
HELSINKI (AP) — Volvo will begin producing electric motors on all its cars from 2019, becoming the first major automaker to forgo traditional engines that rely exclusively on internal combustion.
A Purdue University professor has presented research on rapidly charging batteries that could change the face of the electric automotive industry.
While campaigning in August 2008, President Obama called for one million plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles (EV) on the road by 2015.
The startup’s name is Faraday Future, and it has been hunting for a place to build what it says will be a $1 billion manufacturing plant for a new line of cars. Four states are contenders and the company says to expect an announcement within weeks.
Tesla Motors stock price dropped 10% Tuesday after Consumer Reports published its findings on the reliability of the manufacturer’s Model S electric sedan, giving the car a below average “overall problem rate.”
The year 2015 may go down as when support for renewable energy flipped. Policy adjustments—whether for electricity generation or transportation fuels—are in the works on both the state and federal levels.
Apple Inc. on Friday leaked that the iconic smartphone maker is on a crash program to design an electric vehicle and is bidding big bucks to recruit Tesla employees. Court filings also disclose that electric-car battery maker A123 Systems is suing Apple for illegally poaching top engineers to build a large-scale battery division.
In a September 2014 interview with Charlie Rose, Apple CEO Tim Cook said “There are products that we’re working on that no one knows about. That haven’t been rumored about yet.” That same month, Apple hired the president and chief executive of Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America, Johann Jungwirth. Let the rumors begin.