El Salvador - Page 5

Critics: Joe Biden Is Restarting ‘Hunger Games’ Migration Policy

President-elect Joe Biden is promising to aid Central American countries — but he is also promising to extract more of their valuable young workers and consumers for exploitation inside the United States via the semi-official “Hunger Games” obstacle course between migrants’ homes and U.S. jobs.

migrant arrivals

Donald Trump Creates Border Wall in Guatemala

Guatemala’s new government says it will preserve an asylum deal with the United States which allows U.S. border agencies to return migrants who pass through the Latin American country on their way to the United States.

Migrants charge on the Mexican National Guardsmen at the border crossing between Guatemala

Hayward: El Salvador’s Millennial President Warns U.N. May Go the Way of Blockbuster, Takes Selfie

President Nayib Armando Bukele of El Salvador began his address to the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday by pulling out his cell phone, snapping a selfie, and sending it to the “new world” that could not be present in the chamber but was accessible via “the largest network in the world, a network where billions of persons are connected in real-time and share almost every facet of their lives.”

Steve Scalise: Deep State Bureaucrat ‘Doesn't Meet the Standard of a Whistleblower’