Gavin Newsom to Order State Officials to Dismantle Homeless Encampments Following SCOTUS Ruling
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is set to sign an executive order to push state officials to start dismantling homeless encampments.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is set to sign an executive order to push state officials to start dismantling homeless encampments.
Donald Trump’s $464 million civil fine in New York is unconstitutional, and, for everyone’s sake, he must appeal this to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court held that on property taxes, taxpayers must “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, but no more.”
President Joe Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is weighing in on a lawsuit a male inmate who considers himself a transgender woman filed, blaming Georgia prison officials for allowing other men in the prison to sexually assault him.
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who led the liberal wing of the Court for many years until he retired in 2010, died Tuesday in Florida at the age of 99.
The Supreme Court added five new cases to its term for fall 2019, including racial discrimination, the environment, the death penalty, and international child abduction. On the same day, the Court refused to dive into declaring new legal rights for Islamic terrorists held by the U.S. military.
The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will hear four major cases this fall, concerning immigration, the death penalty of the Beltway Sniper, jury verdicts, and abolishing the insanity defense.
Ireland’s bishops spoke out this week against a requirement that applicants to new work posts at Dublin’s National Maternity Hospital be willing to perform abortions, which they called a violation of a doctor’s “constitutional and human right to freedom of conscience.”
“Exciting news for the women of Ireland!” Planned Parenthood tweeted Thursday over news that Irish women can now legally kill their unborn children.
Several famous personalities have spoken up on social media in support of #RepealThe8th — the vote in Ireland to repeal the Eighth Amendment, which bans abortion.
After receiving threatening phone calls, the owner of the field hosting a giant sign opposing the repeal of Ireland’s eighth amendment decided to remove the sign Wednesday “for the sake of his wife.”
Numerous Catholic prelates and priests have issued last-minute appeals to Irish citizens to retain the eighth amendment to the constitution, in the lead-up to a critical referendum on abortion.
A delegation of pro-life Irish Americans met with the Irish Consul Monday in New York City to express concerns about the effort to repeal Ireland’s Eighth Amendment that assures equality for both mothers and their unborn babies.
“Where is the evidence that our electoral integrity has been compromised?” Uí Bhriain continued. “Was it because the polls are tightening? Was it because it looks like this referendum – which is absolutely supported by the media establishment and political establishment – is going to be rejected by the people?”
Ireland’s “Save the Eighth” campaign has accused Google of attempting to silence pro-life voices prior to the upcoming national referendum on abortion by banning advertising on its platforms.
Pope Francis has once more thrown his moral weight behind the right to life of the unborn, just days before the people of Ireland will vote on whether or not to legalize abortion.
Irish actor and abortion advocate Liam Neeson has published an open letter in the Irish Independent urging citizens to overturn Ireland’s constitutional amendment that recognizes the right to life of unborn children.
The popular Irish rock band U2 tweeted their support for legalizing abortion in Ireland on Tuesday and received a tidal wave of reactions from pro-life fans dismayed with the group’s support of killing the unborn.
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) is urging Irish citizens to “honour the sanctity of human life” in the lead-up to the country’s national referendum on abortion.
The Irish Catholic Bishops seem to have found their voice—and their nerve—in the lead-up to a national referendum that could repeal the constitutional amendment recognizing the rights of the unborn. In a well-financed campaign, abortion supporters have set their sights
Charlotte “Charlie” Fien, a British pro-life activist with Down syndrome, was reportedly blocked by Twitter for 24 hours this week after posting pro-life materials.
Three Irish Catholic bishops issued separate declarations on Sunday urging voters not to overturn Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, which recognizes the right to life of unborn human children.
Despite the “choice” rhetoric of abortion advocates, the unborn child has no voice and no choice and is at the mercy of what adults choose to do to him or her, said Irish bishop Kevin Doran in a pastoral letter
The Trump administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is continuing the prosecution of four former employees of Blackwater, the military contractor that was involved in a 2007 shootout in a public square in Baghdad, Iraq.
A transgender inmate is suing Indiana’s prison system for denying his requests to undergo hormone therapy.
After more than a million Poles lined the country’s borders to pray for an end to “Islamization,” Ireland’s Catholics are gathering along the coast to pray that abortion remains illegal in their country.
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear another death row case from the Texas County that ranks number one in the nation for sending defendants to the death chamber. The Honduran national urges he should have been given resources to develop his claim of mental illness and drug addiction and prosecutors should not have considered his status as an illegal alien.
A new report from a UN committee on women’s rights has slammed Ireland’s pro-life laws, demanding that the predominantly Catholic nation alter the Eighth Amendment to its constitution that bans the procedure.
Another Texas death penalty case was argued at the United States Supreme Court this week. The two questions presented was whether executing someone 35 years after the imposition of a death sentence, and allegedly using outdated medical standards to determine intellectual disability, is cruel and unusual punishment prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. The Eighth Amendment prohibits executing those who are intellectually disabled.
Speaking on the surveillance of Muslims, leading liberal constitutional professor Alan Dershowitz declared, “Criminals should have more rights than law-abiding citizens.” The professor’s statement is wrong, and it misses the more relevant point regarding the war on Islamic terrorism.
The rights advocacy group Amnesty International has launched a high-level campaign calling for the decriminalization of abortion in Ireland, a crusade critics are denouncing as disingenuous and anti-Catholic.
WASHINGTON—Obamacare, religious liberty, Iran, and racial preferences are four of the major issues the justices will confront during the Supreme Court’s annual Term, which begins Monday, Oct. 5. The High Court will decide between 70 and 80 cases over the