Edward Snowden - Page 2

Establishment Dilemma: Pardon Edward Snowden or Hang Him

There is an increasing roar coming from the hard libertarians, the hard left and the hard right demanding that former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst-turned-cyber-security leaker Edward Snowden be pardoned, but the U.S. political establishment would rather hang him.

The Associated Press

Oliver Stone: Intel Experts Tell Me DNC Hack Was ‘Inside Job’

In an interview on CNN Tuesday night, filmmaker Oliver Stone told interviewer Christiane Amanpour that the high-profile hacking attack against the Democratic National Committee earlier this summer was “probably an inside job” and not the work of Russia, as some intelligence services have claimed.


Eric Holder: Edward Snowden Performed a ‘Public Service’

Former Attorney General Eric Holder sent a decidedly mixed message on host David Axelrod’s podcast by saying that fugitive NSA contractor Edward Snowden “harmed American interests” by revealing government secrets – even putting the lives of American agents at risk! – but saluting him for performing a “public service” anyway.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

NSA: Snowden Leaks Caused Loss of 1,000 Targets, Including Terrorists

In an interview with National Public Radio, the deputy director of the National Security Agency Richard Ledgett claimed the NSA has lost track of about 1,000 intelligence targets since 2013 because of NSA leak Edward Snowden’s revelations, including a terrorist group that was planning attacks against the United States and Europe.

Getty Images

NSA Report: Amount of Data Under Surveillance Greatly Exaggerated

The New York Times used a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain a National Security Agency report from 2015, in which the agency’s Inspector General looked at those controversial Internet surveillance programs and determined they are far less extensive than widely suspected.

An illustration picture shows the logo of the U.S. National Security Agency on the display

‘Reclaim MLK Day’ Protests Block SF Bay Bridge

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was hijacked by Black Lives Matter in the Bay Area on Monday as members of the movement blocked traffic on the Bay Bridge in Emeryville, citing recent police shootings as they chained themselves to five cars and formed a line, backing commuters up for nearly 45 minutes.

Black Lives Matter (@brownblaze / Twitter)