economic nationalism - Page 5

Laura Ingraham Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Story of Trump’s Historic Populist Victory

In what is sure to become an instant classic, Laura Ingraham’s new book “Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump” takes readers on a fast-paced ride through the last five decades to reveal how the battles between movement conservatives and GOP Establishment elites primed the pump for the populist revolution Donald Trump’s historic victory ushered in.


Washington Post: Steve Bannon Waging War Against GOP Establishment with Economic Nationalist Primary Challengers

The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes that former White House chief strategist and current Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon is “is planning to escalate his war with the GOP establishment, by promoting primary challengers who will run against GOP incumbents on a platform that is fully faithful” to the populist and economic nationalist issues that got President Trump elected in 2016.

Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon speaking at the 2017 Conservative Political Acti

NYT: What if Steve Bannon Is Right?

New York Times columnist Timothy Egan asks if President Trump’s former chief strategist and Breitbart’s current Executive Chairman Steve Bannon is right in believing that economic nationalism will defeat the Democrats’ identity politics at the ballot box. Egan writes that Democrats must “grab the economic nationalism argument from Bannon.”


The Economist Exclusive — The Future of Bannonism: ‘The Judeo-Christian Liberal West Won’

President Trump’s former chief strategist and current Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon invited the editors of The Economist to his home for a candid discussion about the future of the populist economic nationalist movement and the civilizational challenges that will pit “the Judeo-Christian liberal West” against globalist mercantilist forces from China to Silicon Valley.


Virgil — Teddy Roosevelt’s Hammer: How the ‘Great Trust Buster’ Built the American Dream

In his famous “New Nationalism” speech in 1910, the “Great Trust Buster” Teddy Roosevelt described “the struggle of freemen to gain and hold the right of self-government as against the special interests, who twist the methods of free government into machinery for defeating the popular will.” A century ago, that was how one “drained the swamp.” TR knew that the struggle to reform, and thereby secure the full blessings of citizenship, must always be new because in any era, if the struggle for reform ever grows old and tired, then we will lose those blessings. Today, it’s not Standard Oil and the railroads we have to worry about, but rather Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

Theodore Roosevelt campaigns for the Presidency in 1904. (AP Photo)

Pinkerton: Before Trump Nation, There Was Fox Nation: Fox News After Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly

An era has come to an end at Fox News. The departure, last year, of Roger Ailes, its founder and CEO for two decades, and the departure, this year, of Bill O’Reilly, its biggest star for two decades, means that Fox will be changing. What’s said of politics is also true of TV: Personnel is policy. Tell me the names of those who are making the decisions about programming, and the names of those who are actually doing the shows, and I’ll tell you, in turn, about the network. But first, let’s take a closer look at the country—at least its presidential voting patterns—pre-Fox and post-Fox.
