Drug Trafficking - Page 3

Colorado Cops Bust Alleged Fentanyl Ring with Ties to Mexican Cartel

The Jefferson County, Colorado, Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) West Metro Drug Task Force arrested ten alleged drug ring members suspected of distributing fentanyl-laced counterfeit oxycodone pills, methamphetamine, heroin, and other drugs in and around the Denver metro area. Investigators say the group purchased the narcotics directly from a Mexican drug cartel. As of Thursday, the street value of the narcotics seized by investigators totaled more than $5 million.

Jefferson County, Colorado, West Metro Drug Taskforce

Traficantes de Sinaloa Esconden Cristal en Bolsas de Café

Traficantes del Cartel de Sinaloa trataron de ocultar un cargamento de metanfetamina disfrazándolo como paquetes de granos de café y trataron de usar una compañía de paquetería para enviarlo por correo. El método es similar a las incautaciones anteriores que se han reportado en el estado de Tamaulipas y Nuevo León, donde los contrabandistas han enviado cajas y paquetes con drogas sintéticas hacia los estados fronterizos.

Sinaloa Cocaine

Sinaloa Cartel Smugglers Hide Crystal Meth in Coffee Bean Bags

Sinaloa Cartel smugglers hid a shipment of crystal meth by disguising it as packages of coffee beans and used a commercial shipping company to transport it. The method is similar to prior seizures that have been reported in the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, where smugglers shipped boxes and packages with synthetic drugs to these border states.

Sinaloa Cocaine

Cartel Violence and MS-13 Plague Southern Mexico Border State  

A once peaceful Mexican southern border state is experiencing alarming rates of violence, including large-scale gunbattles, kidnappings, and other violent crimes as criminal organizations fight for control of migrant and drug trafficking routes.

A naval police officer patrols the banks of the Suchiate river in Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas