Deval Patrick - Page 2

GOP MA Gov-Elect Opposes Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

Republican Massachusetts Governor-elect Charlie Baker said he would oppose current Democrat Governor Deval Patrick’s proposal to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. “I don’t support issuing driver’s licenses to people who are undocumented,” Baker reportedly said on the Boston Herald’s

GOP MA Gov-Elect Opposes Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

Is Obama "Just Words" After All?

In 2008, when then candidate Barack Obama was caught up in a plagiarism scandal for using the words of Deval Patrick, his opponent Hillary Clinton’s chief criticism of him at the  time was that he was “just words.” His critics,

Obama Commutes Sentences of Eight Crack Offenders

Barack Obama, who admitted in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, that he had used marijuana and cocaine (“maybe a little blow”), found room in his heart on Thursday to commute the prison sentences for eight people convicted of crack

Obama Commutes Sentences of Eight Crack Offenders

Boston Unveils Statue of NBA Great Bill Russell

(AP) Boston unveils statue of NBA great Bill RussellBOSTONIt’s a day to honor another of Boston’s greatest sports champions. Former Celtics star Bill Russell watched the unveiling of his statue Friday at City Hall Plaza. Team owners, NBA Commissioner David

Boston Unveils Statue of NBA Great Bill Russell

Eric Holder, greatest Attorney General ever

One of the 56 times Attorney General Eric Holder answered “I don’t know” to a question during his unpleasant House Judiciary hearing on Wednesday pertained to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.  It’s been around since 2002, but Holder doesn’t

MA Dem Gov. Patrick Refuses to Release Tsarnaev Records

The Brothers Tsarnaev, alleged terrorists behind the Boston Marathon bombing, collected some amount of state and, possibly, federal welfare benefits. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, his wife, and daughter collected welfare until 2012, according to Massachusetts state officials. The exact amounts the brothers

MA Dem Gov. Patrick Refuses to Release Tsarnaev Records

Boston Terror Update: No Undetonated Explosives Found; 3 Dead, 176 Injured

At a Tuesday morning press conference, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick said there were no additional undetonated explosives that were found near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.  “It’s important to clarify that two–and only two–explosive devices were found yesterday,” Patrick said.

Boston Terror Update: No Undetonated Explosives Found; 3 Dead, 176 Injured

Student Arrested For Assault Snowball

CBS BOSTON:- A Boston University student was arrested after a massive snowball fight Friday night. Police say the student, who is not being identified, allegedly hit an officer with a snowball. Video posted to YouTube shows a police officer chasing

Student Arrested For Assault Snowball

Huge Storm Blankets Northeast with Two Feet of Snow

(AP) – A behemoth storm packing hurricane-force wind gusts and blizzard conditions swept through the Northeast overnight, where more than 650,000 homes and businesses in the densely populated region lost power, roads were impassable and New Englanders awoke Saturday to

Huge Storm Blankets Northeast with Two Feet of Snow

Warren Curt, Deflective in First Presser as Senator-Elect

Massachusetts Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, in her first press conference after defeating Sen. Scott Brown, was noticeably curt with reporters asking about her campaign and the issues voters elected her to solve. When reporters asked her about the fiscal cliff, Warren could only

Warren Curt, Deflective in First Presser as Senator-Elect

Why It Will Be Condi Rice

I have followed the career of Mitt Romney since 1994. I have read every book about and by him, and I have studied every move he made in the land of my birth. This is why I am convinced Romney

Why It Will Be Condi Rice