Donald Trump Reopening Huge Detention Center for Illegals that Joe Biden Shut Down
President Donald Trump’s ICE is reopening an immigration detention center in Baldwin, Michigan, that President Joe Biden had shut down.

President Donald Trump’s ICE is reopening an immigration detention center in Baldwin, Michigan, that President Joe Biden had shut down.
A guard at a Miami, Florida, juvenile detention facility is accused of having sex with a 15-year-old inmate.
Democrats are pushing for an investigation into the shocking charge that a contract doctor secretly removed the uteruses of migrant women who were detained at a privately-run detention center in Georgia.
China rejected calls on Tuesday from Western members of the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to shut down the massive detention camps constructed in Xinjiang province to imprison a sizable percentage of Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group.
An Indianapolis church is putting Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in a cage to protest President Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy cracking down on illegal immigration.
Members of the “migrant caravan” camping near the U.S. border with Mexico may be impacted by Congressional action taken earlier this year to limit detention bed capacity in immigration processing centers.
SAN DIEGO — Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, Attorney General Sessions, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) concluded a visit to the border on Friday with a tough message for “sanctuary city” jurisdictions, including California.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case filed by over 20 Central American women who petitioned to have their claims of asylum heard from an independent judge. The women claim they came to the U.S. illegally because they needed protection.
A federal judge in Arizona has ordered federal officials to give illegal aliens in Arizona’s Tucson Sector better facilities while detained.
A manhunt is currently underway in Louisiana as law enforcement officials search for three male inmates who escaped from a detention center in the state.
In another effort by President Obama to cater to the small percent of individuals who identify on a given day as transgender, an illegal alien detention center in Texas will now designate 5.1 percent of their beds to those who so self-identify. This is despite the fact that the federal government’s own numbers report only 0.2 percent of illegal aliens identify themselves as transgender.
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, CUBA— It’s the worst kept secret at Guantanamo Bay: The detainees, in all likelihood, much prefer the detention center here to the conditions faced at a federal facility.
A federal judge is fed up with the Obama administration for its insistence upon adding additional hurdles to Guantánamo Bay detainee hearing procedures, while at the same time demanding the close of the base.