depression - Page 2

Study: Social Media Usage Linked to Teen Depression

A study published on Monday revealed that social media usage — more so than any other type of digital screen time — is linked to teen depression. The research team investigated the connection between depression in adolescents and their exposure to various types of screen time over a four-year time period. According to the researchers, video games makes teens “more happy.”

teenagers look at phone

Stratfor: Russia Economy Hits Perfect Storm

The Russian economy started stagnating in 2013, but the nation was never actually able to recover from the 2008-2009 recession, according to Stratfor Global Intelligence. The combination of the 2014 sanctions over the Ukraine and collapsing oil prices is a perfect economic storm that is grinding Russia to a halt.

Manta Putin (Mikhail Klementyev / AFP / Getty)

James Grant Sets Stick of Dynamite to Bush/Obamanomics

It was a very deep depression, as deep as the one that succeeded in 1929. But in this case, the government did not intervene, and it was over in less than two years. Was this a coincidence? Grant does not think it was. He believes, as this writer does, that present government interventions have deepened our current economic malaise and are retarding a full recovery.

Statues of unemployed men standing in a unemployment line during the Great Depression at t

Report: Germanwings Co-Pilot Tore Up Doctor’s Note Excusing Him from Flight

The Germanwings story is mutating with incredible speed. At first we were assured by the company that young co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who evidently crashed the plane on purpose and killed 150 people, was “100% fit to fly,” with no physical or mental problems whatsoever. Then we were told Lubitz took an extended break from pilot training for counseling to deal with “burnout” and emotional stress, but that was back in 2008, so it wasn’t necessarily relevant to his behavior this week.
