Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - Page 12

Officials Ending Obama’s Sex-Ed Spending

Despite leftwing media attempts to give credibility to the claims the Obama-era Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program has significantly reduced teen birth rates, a top Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) official says the assertions are misleading.

Some of the materials used by the Oklahoma City County Health Department in the Teen Pregn

Seven Ways Trump Is Taking Back America’s Culture

Andrew Breitbart famously said, “Politics is downstream of culture,” and while establishment Republicans seem unwilling to defend America’s culture and values on many fronts, President Donald Trump is already changing the country’s politics by taking back its culture from progressives.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 01: (AFP OUT) US President Donald Trump participates in the Celebrat

Texas Refugee Resettlement Rates Declining in 2017

The number of refugees being resettled in Texas during this fiscal year is down, but the state is still second to the California. The drop follows the change in policies of the new presidential administration and the halt in Texas’ participation in refugee resettlement.

Hundreds protest at a vigil for refugees on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 in Dallas, Texas at Than

HHS Sec Price: CBO Got It ‘Wrong’ on GOP Health Bill

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price and Mike Mulvaney, director of the Office and Management and Budget, disagree with the Congressional Budget Office’s assessment on the cost and other impacts of the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which concludes that as many as 24 million would be uninsured by 2026 under the new law.

price-budget Allison ShelleyGetty

Sen. Susan Collins Confronts Democrats’ Hype on Obamacare

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) summed up the failures of Obamacare and highlighted the distortions of Democrats claiming the GOP’s plan to repeal President Obama’s healthcare law will be dangerous to millions of Americans who have gained perhaps nothing more than an insurance card on the exchanges.

obamacare-sign-Joe Raedle Getty Images,

Hobby Lobby CEO Denounces Clinton’s War on Christians, Endorses Trump

Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green authored a USA Today op-ed on Thursday denouncing Hillary Clinton’s militant opposition to traditional Christian beliefs and insisting that her Supreme Court picks would rule against Christians’ rights. He also announced that he is endorsing Donald Trump to ensure a Supreme Court that will uphold Americans’ First Amendment rights under the Constitution.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Connecticut Obamacare Co-Op Going Out of Business

HealthyCT – a nonprofit health insurance plan set up under the president’s signature health care reform, is one of 23 original Obamacare co-ops and the 14th to fail since they began selling their health insurance plans on the Obamacare exchanges.

Obamacare sign is seen on the UniVista Insurance company office on December 15, 2015 in Mi

What A Waste: HHS Throwing Away Billions on Medicare

A new report from the Inspector General for the Health and Human Services Department faults the agency for missing its target of keeping fraudulent Medicare payments below ten percent. I’m not sure what’s worse: the fact that HHS is wasting more than ten percent of taxpayer dollars, or that the goal was to waste only ten percent.

In this July 30, 2015 file photo, a sign supporting Medicare is seen on Capitol Hill in Wa

More Trouble for Theranos: Two Years of Blood-Test Results Voided

Another grim milestone for troubled tech startup Theranos, once seen as the Cinderella story of medical technology: the company has voided all of the blood tests performed with its signature Edison machines, sending “tens of thousands of corrected blood test reports to doctors and patients,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

© AFP/File Luis Robayo