Democratic unionist party - Page 2

DUP Set to Spurn Tory Remainers and Back Full Brexit

Ulster’s Democratic Unionist Party, which is expected to prop up Theresa May’s minority government over the coming months, has spurned Tory Remainers who hoped they would force the Prime Minister to ask the EU for a so-called ‘Soft Brexit’. According


Queen’s Speech Delayed as IRA-linked Sinn Féin Seeks Talks with Labour

The Queen’s speech, which lays out the governing party’s legislative programme, has been postponed until June 21st, with the announcement of an agreement between the Conservative and the Democratic Unionists delayed by the Grenfell Tower fire. This has left Sinn Féin time to seek meetings with the Labour Party in Westminster.

RIGHT: Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party speaks during a campaign rally at Union C

As Unionists Unite UKIP Offers Joint House of Commons Group

Nigel Farage’s hand could be significantly strengthened in any coalition negotiation by a deal with both main Unionist parties in Parliament. Earlier this week the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) announced an electoral pact, which

economic case for brexit