World View: U.S.-Backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Clash with Syrian Regime Forces
Contents: US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) clash with Syrian regime forces; International Crisis Groups asks Russia to prevent Israel-Iran war in Syria

Contents: US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) clash with Syrian regime forces; International Crisis Groups asks Russia to prevent Israel-Iran war in Syria
Contents: Russia’s Syria peace talks in Sochi dissolve into farce as Lavrov gets heckled; Russia sidelines the failed United Nations Syria peace process; War continues in full force, with Syria and Turkey killing ‘terrorists’
Contents: Syria’s Bashar al-Assad targets civilians and hospitals in never-ending war of extermination; Russia’s ‘de-escalation zones’ turn into total farce
Contents: Syria regime walks out of UN-sponsored Geneva peace talks; Syria and Russia repeat Aleppo war crimes in massive destruction of Eastern Ghouta
Contents: Russian-led Syria peace talks collapse in Astana, Kazakhstan; The four de-escalation zones; Is the end of the Syrian war in sight?
A United Nations investigation found Russia’s much-ballyhooed plan for “de-escalation” zones in Syria has produced woefully inadequate results in a report delivered to the Human Rights Council on Wednesday.
Contents: Russia, Iran and Turkey announce farcical new Syria peace plan; Syria refuses to permit foreign monitors