David Clarke - Page 2

Clarke: Cops Can’t Get Fair Trials In Baltimore

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) argued that the police officers charged in Freddie Gray’s death could not get a fair trial in Baltimore on Saturday’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on the Fox News Channel. Clarke was asked if he


Clarke: I’d ‘Defy’ Any Stand Down Order

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke (D) reacted to a report that police in Baltimore were told to stand down by stating he would “defy” any such order on Thursday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel. “that’s not going to happen. I’m


Milwaukee Sheriff Hits Mayor for ‘Cheap Shot’ on Walker

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) criticized Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) for blaming gun violence in Milwaukee on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) on Wednesday’s “Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel. “When you’re a liberal politician, the tendency


Sheriff Clarke: How Is Al Sharpton Not In Jail?

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) wondered how Al Sharpton has avoided going to prison for tax evasion on Thursday’s “Your World With Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel. “I’m trying to figure out why Al Sharpton isn’t in


Sheriff Clarke: DOJ Trying to ‘Emasculate’ Cops

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) alleged that the Justice Department was trying “to emasculate the American police officer” and “turn them into social workers” on Tuesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel. “‘Transforming local policing,’
