Daily Beast - Page 3

Social Media Society, Not Daily Beast, Should be Shamed

A straight reporter who trolled the Olympic Village trying to get hook-ups from gay dating apps is under fire for engaging in what some charge is unethical, if not yellow, journalism. Using apps like Bumble, Grindr, Jack’d and Tinder, Daily Beast reporter Nico Hines arranged numerous hook-ups with closeted gay Olympians and shared the details – with pretty transparent identifiers – in his published article.

Daily Beast Nico Hines

Daily Beast: ‘How Breitbart Unleashes Hate Mobs’ on Trump Critics

Lloyd Grove at the Daily Beast clutches pearls for the victims of mean tweets from Breitbart News fans–the first of whom the site has never mentioned in any negative way. “Seventeen million readers revel in Breitbart News’s Trump-supporting slipstream of angry populism, featuring an anti-immigration, anti-Muslim message,” Grove opens. “Is it stoking up dangerous hatred?”


Trump’s Ex-Wife Ivana Dismisses Daily Beast Smear Job: ‘Story Is Totally Without Merit’

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president,” Ivana Trump, Donald’s ex-wife, said in the statement to CNN.

The Associated Press

In Cathy Young’s World, Everybody Surrenders

The teaser to Cathy Young’s vicious and dishonest exercise in character assassination in The Daily Beast says: “Pam Geller and Robert Spencer are being viewed as free speech champions for their ‘Draw Muhammad’ contest, which turned tragic in Dallas last week. But once a moderate Muslim begins speaking, they quickly turn into what they hate.”


Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle Calls Decorated Combat Vet a ‘Kid’

Frequent Morning Joe guest Mike Barnicle, who quit the Boston Globe in 1998 after the editor called for his resignation for fabricating one story and plagiarizing another, decided to exhibit more of his unrepressed rage at conservatives for the Daily Beast on Sunday in an article hilariously titled “Why is the GOP So Angry at Everything These Days?”


Daily Beast: Standing Up to One of Chicago’s Most Powerful Imams

The decision by courageous women in Kabul, Afghanistan, to defy the orders of mullahs and carry the coffin of a young woman, Farkhunda—slain for the false accusation of burning the Quran— took me to a dramatic moment last spring when I faced off against an imam, not in some faraway city in our Muslim world, but in our own backyard, right here in the United States, in the Chicago suburb of Elgin, Ill.


Daily Beast: #JeSuisCharlie — Not So Much

A cartoon Muslima superhero has become a warrior against free speech, and the Daily Beast is thrilled. Marvel Comics Muslima superhero Kamala Khan’s image was used by anti-free speech vandals who covered over our ads in San Francisco that called attention to

Facebook / Street Cred - Advertising for the People

The Daily Beast: In Darfur, Mass Rape Within Minutes

Darfur may not be in the public eye as it was when every liberal arts student donned a “Save Darfur” shirt, when world powers issued public condemnations, and “Rock for Darfur” performers raised tens of thousands in donations annually (there were 22 concerts in 2006 alone).

Refugee Camp in Darfur

Yes, Drudge Report Is Still the Mac Daddy

Matt Drudge posts headlines long before the mainstream media have caught on and shines his traffic spotlight on stories he deems important. That, in turn, drives mainstream news coverage – or, in some cases, as with Obamacare, perhaps not. And that’s the point: the media need Drudge to point them in the right direction, apparently, but Drudge doesn’t need the media to make a story huge.

Evan Agostini/Getty/AFP

The Women Battling an Islamist Strongman

ISTANBUL—Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s decision last week to arrest the editor in chief of an opposition newspaper is the latest crack in this country’s image as a modern, Westernized country. But it’s not the only sign of an erosion of rights.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses lawmakers at the parliament in Ankar

Daily Beast: Drug-Funded Secret War Between Iran and Pakistan

TURBAT, Pakistan—Something fell out of the sky near Arif Saleem’s home at 5:20 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2013. He scrambled outside to find a 25-foot-wide crater just beyond the mud wall surrounding his family compound. The strike was one of three, in quick succession, that morning in the village of Kulahu, in Pakistani Baluchistan, 45 miles east of the Iran border. One of the blasts damaged the local mosque. Pages from the Quran fluttered in the air before landing gently on the rubble.

Iran offers assurances to trading partners