I have been politically active for 40 years and during this time I have watched as many Republicans made campaign promise after campaign promise as candidates, then once elected they made grand excuses on why they couldn’t keep their promises. Case in point, the GOP controlled the White House, Senate, and House from January of 2003 until January of 2007. We were disappointed to find that the Republicans passed no meaningful reforms that conservatives clamored for, but instead were mired in corruption scandals. K Street lobbyists had their hooks into elected Republican Leadership and prevented them from passing meaningful change. This was never more evident then when T.A.R.P, aka “Wall Street Bailout”, passed with the support of Democrats, President George W. Bush, and some Republicans in Congress. There were many Republicans opposed to TARP and fought it, but Republican Leadership beat the opposition back. Conservatives were infuriated by this and rightly so. That was one of the catalysts for the Tea Party Movement that was founded in February of 2009.