Crimes Against Humanity

Complaint Filed in NY Federal Court Against ‘Butcher of Tehran’ Ebrahim Raisi for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

A civil lawsuit has been filed in federal court in New York by Iranian dissidents against Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi — dubbed the “Butcher of Tehran” — for his role as a member of the infamous 1988 “death commission” that saw some 30,000 political prisoners hanged and tortured, only weeks before the Iranian leader’s scheduled visit to the United Nations’ upcoming session in New York.

Iran's newly elected President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during his swearing in ceremony at the

Report: Ethiopia, Led by Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Committing ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ in Civil War

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a joint report on Wednesday in which they alleged Ethiopia’s federal government has perpetrated “ethnic cleansing … crimes against humanity and war crimes” in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray region as part of a civil war between Addis Ababa and the separatist militia known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA - OCTOBER 04: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed attends an inaugural celebra

NGOs: Cuba Enslaving Up to 100,000 Doctors, Other Professionals Annually

Cuba’s communist regime is actively subjecting tens of thousands of doctors, musicians, professors, engineers, athletes, and other professionals deployed on international missions across the world to “crimes against humanity,” including “enslavement, persecution, and other inhuman acts,” two prominent non-governmental organizations (NGO) revealed on Tuesday.

An elderly patient at the Geriatrics ward of Comandante Manuel Fajardo Hospital in Havana,

Descubren Otro Narco-Campo de Exterminio en Estado Fronterizo Mexicano

Activistas de derechos humanos que buscan los restos de sus seres queridos en el estado fronterizo de Coahuila han localizado otro campo de asesinatos del cártel donde se cree que hombres armados asesinaron, incineraron y enterraron los restos de un número desconocido de víctimas. La región donde se encontró el campo de exterminio es el mismo por el que Los Zetas y el Cártel de Sinaloa pelearon durante años.

Coahuila Mass Grave

Another Cartel Killing Field Discovered in Mexican Border State

Human rights activist looking for the remains of their loved ones in the border state of Coahuila have located yet another cartel killing field. It is believed that gunmen murdered, incinerated and buried the remains of an unknown number of victims in this deserted area. The Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel fought over the region where searchers found these killing fields for years.

Coahuila Mass Grave

EXCLUSIVO — Autoridades Encuentran Narco-Cocina en Estado Fronterizo

CIUDAD MANTE, Tamaulipas — Autoridades en este estado que colinda con Texas han localizado un campo de exterminio que se sospecha fue usado por carteles en la zona para ejecutar y desaparecer a sus víctimas. El campo de exterminio fue recientemente descubierto cerca de la Ciudad de Mante en la zona suroeste del estado. Fuentes de Breitbart Texas creen que los responsables del campamento son El Carte de Los Zetas. El cartel se ha dividido entre dos grupos rivales: Los Zetas Vieja Escuela y El Cartel del Noreste. Nuestras fuentes revelaron que es probale que basado en los movimientos de los grupos criminales en la zona, los responsables sean de Los Zetas Vieja Escuela.

Human ash

EXCLUSIVE: Authorities Find Cartel Human Incineration Camp in Mexican Border State

CIUDAD MANTE, Tamaulipas — Authorities in this Mexican state bordering Texas have found a cartel killing field where it is believed that gunmen murdered and incinerated their victims. The killing field was recently discovered in the city of Mante in the southwestern part of the state. Breitbart Texas sources believe the cartel responsible is Los Zetas. The cartel is broken into two warring factions: Old School Zetas (Vieja Escuela) and Cartel of the North (CDN or Cartel Del Noreste). Our sources believe it is more likely that Old School Zetas is the faction of Los Zetas responsible, due to the group’s recent movements in the area.

Human ash

Relatives Continue Search for Kin after Cartel Massacre in Mexican Border State

PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila — Between 2011 and 2013, members of Los Zetas Cartel kidnapped, murdered, and incinerated more than 300 victims from rural communities in the northern part of this state. Relatives of those victims never stopped searching for answers or evidence to grant them closure.

Zeta Killing Field 2

Sicario Zeta Relacionado a Masacre Estaba en Chicago; Extraditado a Mexico

NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas — Uno de los sicarios del cartel de los Zetas que ha sido relacionado a una matanza e incineración de cientos de víctimas en el estado de Coahuila ya se encuentra en una cartel Mexicana. El Zeta de alta peligrosidad se había estado escondiendo en la ciudad Americana de Chicago de donde fue extraditado.

Cartel Extradition

EXCLUSIVO GRAFICO: Autoridades Descubren Narco-Fosa en Ciudad Fronteriza

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Los horrores de la guerra de cárteles que se vive en esta ciudad fronteriza se revelaron una vez mas con el descubrimiento de una narco-fosa. El descubrimiento se llevo acabo en un momento en que grupos rivales del Cartel del Golfo llevan una cruenta lucha por control de la región que ha dejado mas de 158 muertes en balaceras o ejecuciones y un numero sin fin de desaparecidos en la vecina ciudad de Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel

EXCLUSIVE–GRAPHIC: Authorities Discover Cartel Mass Grave near Texas

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — The horrors of the cartel war in this border city have once again been revealed with the discovery of a new mass grave. The find comes at a time when rival groups from the Gulf Cartel wage war for control of the region–leading to more than 158 deaths through gun battles, executions, and disappearances in Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel