Study: Concealed Carriers Stop More Active Shooters Than Police Do
Data compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that armed civilians stop more mass shootings than police do.

Data compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that armed civilians stop more mass shootings than police do.
Rape, robbery, and aggravated assault soared more than 40 percent under the Biden-Harris administration, data show.
Crime expert John Lott said government data indicate that violent crime is not going down, contradicting FBI data showing that it is.
John Lott penned an op-ed in which he explained that despite media claims, violent crime actually rose under Biden but fell under Trump.
A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows the FBI undercounts the number of times an armed citizen stops an active shooting.
An expanded study from the Crime Prevention Research Center lists over 60 instances in which a concealed carry permit holder stopped a mass shooter.
A study conducted by FOX News Digital shows that higher gun ownership “[does] not correlate with more gun murders.”
Numbers released by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) show that the number of concealed carry permits in America has now surpassed 21.5 million.
Billionaire Democrat presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg is a staunch proponent of gun control for America with one caveat–he gets to spend his days surrounded by good guys with guns to keep him safe.
A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center shows there 1.4 million more concealed carry permit holders than there were in 2018.
A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that 89 percent of mass shootings between 1998 and June 2019 occurred in gun-free zones.
Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris used the weekend’s seventh anniversary of the Aurora movie theater shooting to push for more gun control.
The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) unearthed information showing the site of the Virginia Beach shooting was a gun-free zone for city employees.
Defeated 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised New Zealand’s gun ban and noted it demonstrates how leaders can do more than offer “thoughts and prayers.”
Hours after New Zealand announced prohibitions against semiautomatic rifles and shotguns Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) tweeted that the U.S. needs to follow the gun ban example.
The February 15, 2019, shooting at Henry Pratt Company (HPC) occurred even though HPC is a gun-free zone.
Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott took the left’s go-to gun control study for mass shootings apart on December 14.
A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that the U.S. ranks 64th on the list of countries that witnessed mass shootings from 1998 to 2015.
The Crime Prevention Research Center shows that 97.8 percent of mass shootings over a 68-year period occurred in “gun-free zones.”
Chicago Mercy Hospital, the site of Monday’s heinous shooting, is a state-mandated gun-free zone. Moreover, Mercy’s parking lot–the spot where the shooting began–is mandate gun-free as well.
The site of the Thousand Oaks, California, mass shooting was a state-mandated gun-free zone.
New York Police Department commissioner James O’Neill says it is “insanity” to allow national concealed carry reciprocity for law-abiding citizens.
Glamour interviewed female gun owners then posted a story wherein the women explained why they support the Second Amendment.
On the fifth anniversary of the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School a daughter of one of the school’s teachers said that campus carry “creates a dangerous environment” for students and teachers alike.
National reciprocity for concealed carry passed the House of Representatives on December 6 and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded by suggesting Republicans are using the measure to arm “violent criminals.”
Marine veteran Bill Johnson says he gave up carrying his concealed weapon “under duress” as a way to meet the criteria necessary to become a foster parent to his grandson in Michigan.
Professor wore body armor to class to protest law allowing concealed carry permit holders to carry their guns on campus for self-defense.
A Crime Prevention Research Study shows that Black women are surging as a concealed carry demographic in the state of Texas.
Black women in are buying guns and sitting in firearms courses to learn how to defend themselves should they come under violent attack.
A Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) study shows that concealed carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding of law-abiding citizens in the country.
The Crime Prevention Research Center shows that women and blacks led last year’s record-breaking surge in concealed carry permits.
A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows during the time period 2007 to 2015, the percentage of adults with carry permits rose 190% and violent crime fell by 18%.
A recent PEW Research survey shows that 74% of gun owners believe the right to own firearms is “essential” to freedom.
Florida is on the verge of adopting enhanced Stand Your Ground measures to further protect the ability to use lethal force in self-defense, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch warns this could lead to more homicides in Missouri.
FBI figures show May 2017 shattered the background check records set under Barack Obama during May 2015 and 2016.
Many predicted professors would flee universities in KS and TX over campus carry but the hordes of resigning profs have not materialized.
Crime Prevention Research Center’s (CPRC) John Lott points out that police are convicted of gun crime at a higher rate than permit holders.
Concealed carry permits rose 215 percent between 2007 and 2015, and the murder rate dropped 14 percent during that same time period.
The Crime Prevention Research Center reports the demand for concealed carry witnessed its greatest surge ever between May 2016 and May 2017.
Democrat Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) is pushing a bill to guarantee teachers will be unarmed and unable to shoot back should an attack occur — though there have been zero incidents or accidents with armed teachers in California.