Confederate Flag - Page 5

CA Bill Could Strip All Confederate Names, Including Fort Bragg

In the wake of the anti-Confederate hysteria that swept the country following the heinous June 17 attack on a black church in Charleston that killed 9, California state senator Sen. Steve Glazer (D-Orinda) has put forward a bill to ban the use of Confederate names for “schools, buildings and other public facilities.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)’s amendment attached to the 202

Elk Grove Gun Store Defiantly Flies Confederate Flag

On Friday, members of the “Black Lives Matter” movement protested the flying of a Confederate flag at Wild Bill’s Old West Trading Company in Elk Grove. The flag was initially hanging from a rafter inside the store, then moved outside in a statement of defiance against political correctness after the murders of nine black people at a South Carolina church prompted others to remove their Confederate flags. After protests, the flag was moved back inside, but remains on display.

Wild Bill's (Facebook)

Davis: Confederate Flag Removal ‘Also a Feminist Act’

Cultural critic and writer Michaela Angela Davis argued that the removal of the Confederate flag on South Carolina’s statehouse by protester Bree Newsome was “very American” and “also a feminist act” on Friday’s “CNN Newsroom.” Davis said Newsome’s actions were


The Confederate Flag and a Proxy War on History

On June 17, reports emerged that Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Roof obtained his gun “legally,” so calls for gun control have largely fallen on deaf ears. But a photo of Roof posing with a Confederate battle flag has managed to become the impetus for a cause célèbre to banish the Confederate battle flag from public view.

The Associated Press

TV Land Pulls ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Off the Air

A week after Warner Bros. announced it would halt the production of all merchandise featuring the Confederate flag on General Lee, the iconic car from The Dukes of Hazzard, the show has inexplicably disappeared from TV Land’s lineup.

Dukes of Hazzard

Walmart Apologizes for ISIS Cake

Corporate chain Walmart has apologized after a store in Louisiana baked a cake bearing the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) flag following its refusal to bake a cake with a Confederate flag.


Texas Schools Jump on Bandwagon to Dump Historic Confederate Ties

Texas public schools are jumping on the bandwagon to shun symbols and dump historical figures that memorialize the Confederate South in a politicized push around the state that follows the tragic hate crime shooting of nine African-American church parishioners during a Bible study in Charleston, SC.


‘Breitbart News Sunday’ on SXM 125: The Assault on Traditional Values

On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, guest host Matthew Boyle will be discussing the most important news stories of the week. The show will focus on the latest developments in the 2016 presidential campaign, the gay marriage Supreme Court ruling, the Obamatrade deal, and other important national news stories.
