Conan O’Brien - Page 3

TBS Sticking with Conan O'Brien Through 2015

(AP) NEW YORK–TBS says it’s extending Conan O’Brien’s late-night show through November 2015. O’Brien premiered “Conan” on TBS in November 2010, some months after his departure from a short-lived stint as host of NBC’s “Tonight” show. He left NBC when

TBS Sticking with Conan O'Brien Through 2015

'Occupy Conan' Isn't All That Radical

Part of the inevitable trajectory of any pop culture phenomenon like the Occupy Wall Street movement is that it will get co-opted as Madison Avenue and Hollywood try to figure out how to turn a profit on rebellion. The business

'Occupy Conan' Isn't All That Radical

Mocking Obama: Conan O'Brien Shows How It's Done

Comedians have spent the past four years bemoaning how hard it is to poke fun at President Barack Obama. Obama is too smart, too handsome, too cool, they argued. What they really meant was: A. Obama doesn’t have a superduper

Mocking Obama: Conan O'Brien Shows How It's Done

Conan Parody: 'Growing Up Romney'

In this web-only parody campaign ad from Team Coco & Conan O’Brien, Mitt Romney’s sons share their experiences growing up with the Republican Presidential nominee.

Conan Parody: 'Growing Up Romney'

Will Ferrell Announces 'Anchorman' Sequel

(AP) Will Ferrell announces ‘Anchorman’ sequel NEW YORK Will Ferrell’s swashbuckling newscaster Ron Burgundy had his own breaking news to announce Wednesday night: A sequel to “Anchorman” is finally happening. Ferrell made a surprise, in-character appearance on “Conan” to regale

Will Ferrell Announces 'Anchorman' Sequel

'Conan' Skewers Obama's Defense Spending Cuts

Late-night host Conan O’Brien takes aim at President Obama’s plans to “streamline” the military through reduced defense spending while the rest of the Congressional budget inflates. From Team Coco: —– Which begs the question: if they’re telecommuting anyway, how long

Conan O'Brien Skewers Obama's Defense Spending Cuts

Late-night host Conan O’Brien takes aim at President Obama’s plans to “streamline” the military through reduced defense spending while the rest of the Congressional budget inflates. From Team Coco: Which begs the question: if they’re telecommuting anyway, how long til

Daniel Craig Gives Fellow Stars a Lesson in Privacy

Current Bond actor Daniel Craig shook headlines this week by blasting the Kardashian Klan in a GQ magazine interview. Easy targets, to be sure, but Craig’s comments quick went viral. In that same publication Craig also stirring up something far

Celebs Pile on Cain After Fourth Accuser Speaks

Hollywood players didn’t need Sharon Bialek to form a negative impression of GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain. The erstwhile Godfather Pizza CEO has an “R” next to his name, and that’s more than enough reason for most celebrities to vote

Newark Mayor Fires Back at Conan O'Brien

Late Night host Conan O’Brien took a shot at Newark, N.J., during his monologue recently. And that has Newark Mayor Cory Booker fired up. O’Brien said Newark’s new health care program consists of a bus ticket out of the city.

If Obama Loses Jon Stewart, He's Lost America

July 15th, 2009 – a day that shall live in comedic infamy. The Obama administration’s first direct hit from reliably friendly allies. Former Saturday Night Live star, now stand up comic Dana Carvey was the guest on the new Tonight

Dave, You're Fired

Dear Mr. Letterman, Several weeks ago I wrote you a heartfelt letter expressing my concern for the direction that your show was headed. I am sad to see that you have not only not reined in the nastiness, but that