Common Core - Page 5

Republican Platform: The Constitution Gives Federal Government ‘No Role in Education’

The Republican platform affirms the primary role of parents as educators in a child’s life, and supports a constitutional amendment to protect the right of parents to direct their children’s education from the overreach of federal and state governments and from potential international intruders such as the United Nations. It also upholds “parent-driven accountability at every stage of schooling,” and recognizes the value of local control of education.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 19: on the second day of the Republican National Convention on July

State Membership in Common Core Test Consortia Down By 62 Percent

In 2010, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) indicated they had gathered 26 and 32 member states, respectively. But, by the start of 2016, 38 states had left one or both consortia, reports pro-Common Core Education Next.

In this Nov. 17, 2015 photo, a student works in an eighth grade algebra class at Holy Spir

Common Core Mocked on Jeopardy

A teacher who was a contestant on Jeopardy Thursday made fun of the Common Core standards when a category bearing the name of the highly unpopular education standards appeared on the game’s board.
