WSJ: You Can’t Work Your Way Through College Anymore
A column published in the Wall Street Journal this week highlighted the reality that college students can no longer pay their tuition with a part-time job.
A column published in the Wall Street Journal this week highlighted the reality that college students can no longer pay their tuition with a part-time job.
A number of California college students are reportedly getting married to help them afford in-state tuition, as out-of-state prices for a university education continue to soar.
Hip-hop star Nicki Minaj has promised to pay university tuition for dozens of fans after a promotional contest metamorphosed over Twitter.
University of California President Janet Napolitano was skewered Tuesday in front of a California legislature oversight committee focusing on allegations her office plotted against a state audit, interfered with data collection, and waged a smear campaign to prevent revelations of hidden cash.
An Arizona liberal arts college is levying a new, mandatory student fee to fund a scholarship for illegal immigrants.
A study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that nearly all of the increases in college tuition since 1987 can be explained by the increase in student loans made more available by government policy.
A new study from the New York Federal Reserve faults the federal government’s policy of boosting aid to families in recent decades to make college education more affordable, because it enabled institutions to raise tuitions much faster than inflation.
Are four-year colleges any better than community colleges? Americans don’t think so, according to a new Gallup survey that finds 66 percent of respondents rated the quality of community colleges as “excellent” or “good,” while 70 percent rated four-year colleges the same way.
A Las Vegas strip club has posted ads for young high school women graduates from the “class of 2015” to audition to become strippers to pay college tuition.
A university degree was once perceived as the social elevator to a higher net worth. But the Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimates that 40 million Americans have racked up an average of four loans with an outstanding net balance of $29,000 to obtain a college education.
President Obama has ordered the Department of Education and its network of federal agencies to determine whether or not to allow student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy proceedings.
The White House claimed last week that President Barack Obama’s proposed “free” community college for everyone proposal would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $60 billion over the next 10 years were it to pass. But as the New York Times pointed out on Friday, community college is already tuition-free for millions of students.