London Cops Intercept Man Transporting £5.7m in Cocaine Bricks
A man caught transporting £5.7m in cocaine bricks hidden in a van with secret compartments has been imprisoned.

A man caught transporting £5.7m in cocaine bricks hidden in a van with secret compartments has been imprisoned.
Rio Grande Valley Sector Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than 250 pounds of methamphetamine and cocaine during three failed smuggling attempts at two Texas crossings.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) – Dutch police have dismantled what they describe as the biggest cocaine laboratory ever discovered in the Netherlands — hidden at a former horse riding school — and arrested a total of 17 people from Colombia, Turkey and the Netherlands.
President Donald Trump said former Vice President Joe Biden insulted the black community when he mockingly asked a black reporter if he was a cocaine junkie.
Drug seizures jumped 50 percent in June under the combined efforts of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s officers and agents. Included in these is a nearly 70 percent increase in cocaine and a 151 percent rise in fentanyl.
Tucson Sector Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than 260 pounds of drugs as a woman allegedly attempted to move them through an Arizona port of entry. The interdiction led to the seizure of 51 pounds of fentanyl, 91 pounds of heroin, and 113 pounds of methamphetamine.
An illegal alien has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after leading a drug trafficking operation in Rhode Island that trafficked fentanyl and cocaine.
Tucson Sector Customs and Border Protection officers seized nearly 300,000 fentanyl pills, 25 pounds of heroin, and six pounds of cocaine at the Port of Nogales border crossing. The incident occurred as a U.S. citizen male allegedly attempted to smuggle the drugs into the country from Mexico.
The U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.
Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents seized more than 92 pounds of cocaine at an interior immigration checkpoint. Officials estimated the drugs to be worth nearly $3 million.
Three French youths arrested with a large number of illegal drugs told investigators they were stocking up before the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in the Laredo Sector seized two loads of drugs estimated to be worth about $1.4 million in two consecutive days.
Yuma and San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents seized in excess of 200 pounds in methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, and heroin at interior immigration checkpoints and through traffic stops in Arizona and California. Officials estimated the drugs to be worth more than $2 million.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in California and Texas seized approximately 350 pounds of methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin over the weekend. The seizures occurred as drivers attempted to enter the U.S. from Mexico.
Border Patrol agents and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than 250 pounds of illicit drugs being smuggled into the United States from Mexico. The seizures happened in separate incidents in the Yuma and Tucson Sectors.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in South Texas seized more than $18 million worth of methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana in a single drug smuggling incident.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Texas ports of entry stopped more than $5.3 million in methamphetamine and cocaine from being successfully smuggled during a two-week period.
A Virginia judge has sentenced a couple to 20 years each in prison in connection with the death of their two-month-old through a drug overdose, authorities said.
HELSINKI, Finland (AP) – Danish police say they have arrested 27 people for suspected drug smuggling after finding some 100 kilograms of cocaine on a Bahamas-registered cargo vessel plying Danish waters.
Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó returned to his country on Tuesday after a world tour that included stops in America and Europe and was greeted by a mob organized by dictator Nicolás Maduro, which proceeded to pelt him with trash, douse him in water, and attempt to beat his wife.
Community members are offering support to six children whose mother was allegedly stabbed to death in an act of domestic violence in Mifflin Borough, Pennsylvania, last Friday.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested two men wanted for sex offenses in the U.S. and seized nearly a half-million dollars in cocaine at a Texas port of entry over the weekend.
Walmart is apologizing after it made a Christmas sweater for sale that appeared to look like Santa was doing drugs.
It is the first time a ‘narco submarine’ has been seen in Europe — it made a 4,200 mile journey from Colombia with €100m of Cocaine.
Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez canceled plans to visit her hometown of Beni after receiving death threats from drug traffickers, her Minister of the Interior Arturo Murillo told reporters on Monday.
State Rep. Poncho Nevárez (D-Eagle Pass) admitted Thursday that the cocaine inside an envelope he dropped at an Austin airport in September was his.
The U.S. Coast Guard announced that it seized 19 tons of illegal drugs worth millions in international waters.
Cocaine consumption has hit an all-time high within Europe according to a report that states London’s use alone involves over a billion euros per year.
ABC producers were forced to edit an episode of Tamron Hall’s talk show after she confessed to a studio audience that she used to “facilitate” the sell of cocaine when she was a teenager, according to a report from The Daily Mail.
London has a cocaine problem bigger than that of Europe’s next three largest cocaine-consuming cities combined, according to an analysis by King’s College London.
A Virginia college student who told authorities she was “doing cocaine with the devil” in the midst of a psychotic breakdown where she fatally stabbed her best friend and roommate more than 30 times has pleaded guilty to murder.
Two South African Airways (SAA) flight attendants were arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle $3 million worth of cocaine into Hong Kong International Airport.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has laid into the “evil” drugs gangs that have brought a sudden and significant rise in crime to the UK, while squarely blaming the recreational drug habits of middle-class cocaine users for the illegal business flourishing.
An illegal alien, who had been previously deported from the United States, is accused of running a Mexico-to-Ohio drug trafficking operation from his prison cell in Youngstown, Ohio.
The government of Colombia threatened to campaign for the United Nations to brand Cuba a state sponsor of terrorism if it did not hand over the leaders of the Marxist National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist group, a letter published by Colombian media revealed on Tuesday.
Historic levels of coca cultivation and other illicit activities at the hands of Communist terrorists have contributed to skyrocketing deforestation rates in Colombia since the rebels signed a peace pact with the government in 2016, official figures show.
Federal authorities seized enough fentanyl to kill more than 14 million people following an investigation that covered Texas, North Carolina, and Virginia. The busts resulted in the arrests of 35 people and the seizure of distribution quantities of fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, and cocaine base. Investigators also found weapons and cash during a three-day operation.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos won a Nobel Peace Prize for giving terrorists unelected seats in Congress, disregarding the rejection of the Colombian people.
Two people in Louisiana have been arrested on Tuesday after they allegedly sent a five-year-old kindergarten student to school with cocaine.
Montgomery County coroner Dr. Kent Harshbarger indicated the Dayton, Ohio, gunman had cocaine, anti-depressants, and alcohol in his system when he carried out his August 4, 2019, attack.