Shock Study: Plants Can Adapt To Global Warming…

A study in Nature has confirmed what to many non-climate-scientists is probably blindingly obvious: far from being traumatised by global warming, plants simply adapt to it. Here’s the abstract of the study, lead authored by Professor Peter Reich, an ecologist and

A grounds keeper completes the finishing touches to the carnival dancers in the pond which is part

Study: Global Warming Has Saved Us From a New Ice Age

Man-made global warming is our friend. According to a study in Nature, the extra CO2 generated by our burning of fossil fuels has postponed the next ice age for at least 100,000 years. The new research, published in the journal Nature, examined the

ice age

Finding Fault with the Facts in the President’s Presentation in Paris

Paris, the City of Light, which earned its moniker by early on adapting natural gas to light its public spaces, hosts COP21 (the 21st Conference of the Parties)—often referred to as the UN Climate Change Conference—that aims to end the use of fossil fuels. There, more than 150 world leaders gathered under the guise of, supposedly, slowing the warming of the planet.

The Associated Press

Carbon Dioxide Is Not Our Enemy

Beneath all the furious arguments and billion-dollar politics of the climate change debate lies a core assertion: human industry is pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is raising the temperature of the Earth, in a way that will harm all living things.

November 26, 2015 shows a foggy forest on the Spanish canary island of Tenerife. The fog c

Witness the Carbon Footprint of This Fully Armed and Operational Climate Summit

One of the reasons people are skeptical about the warnings from climate change alarmists is that they stubbornly refuse to live as if they believe a single word of what they’re saying. The size of their carbon footprints is staggering. Just look at all the fossil fuels they burn to attend entirely unnecessary “climate conferences.”

Conference attendees walk in the COP 21 United Nations conference on climate change, on No