U.N. Weather Agency Issues ‘Red Alert’ over Climate Crisis
The U.N. weather agency warned Tuesday that the climate crisis is “the defining challenge” of our age, urging immediate action to curb global warming.
The U.N. weather agency warned Tuesday that the climate crisis is “the defining challenge” of our age, urging immediate action to curb global warming.
Germany moved to protect its huge automobile industry from the EU’s new green rules which otherwise ban new petrol and diesel cars from 2035.
The Cabinet Office has had to report a spike in carbon emissions – much of it a result of jet use associated with climate-focused summits.
Communist China has emitted more carbon dioxide over the past eight years than the UK has since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Two of Ireland’s most senior climate crazy ministers have previously taken high-emission Business class trips instead of opting for greener economy seats, a report has claimed.
Germany is now ‘dramatically behind’ its CO2 emissions target shortly after it abandoned half of its remaining nuclear plants, calling the tech ‘dangerous’.
But the IEA is spinning it as a bad thing: a sign that we are not doing enough to cut our ‘carbon’ emissions.
Several Vatican departments have jointly published a manual on care for the environment as part of Pope Francis’ ongoing campaign for “ecological conversion.”
The Guardian newspaper announced it is changing its style rules to reflect that it is not “climate change” but a “climate emergency.”
A history professor in Michigan blames Florida governor and fossil fuels for Hurricane Dorian’s possible impact on the state.
Michael Bloomberg is giving away more of his personal fortune to advance his radical environmental agenda, this time pledging $500 million to shutter every coal mine in the United States and slow the production of cheap, clean, and plentiful natural gas.
Earlier this month I wrote an op-ed about how a new scientific discovery proves that the idea of man-made Global Warming is a hoax. This week a bunch of scientists gang-tackled my op-ed, and let’s just say the response wasn’t all that impressive.
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore explained how burning of fossil fuels saved life by returning previously trapped CO2 to the atmosphere.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a report on Wednesday which found that greenhouse gas emissions decreased during President Donald Trump’s first year in office, which runs counter to the narrative that Trump’s deregulatory agenda would lead to more emissions.
Scientists writing in the journal Nature Climate Change are speculating that global warming will deprive humans of food-based nutrients.
In 2015, more than 190 nations signed the Paris Climate Agreement. By doing so, these nations pledged to cut or cap their greenhouse gas emissions—primarily carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels—to prevent global average temperatures from rising two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
If you thought the Great War, Stalin’s Purges or the Holocaust were bad, think Again. They pale in comparison with climate change, which the United Nations has dubbed “the greatest threat we have ever faced.”
Southern California port workers who once went on strike while making $1,200 per day are seeing their jobs automated in the fight against climate change.
Environmental Protection Agency officials are “leaving in droves”, reports the New York Times. What marvellous news to ease us all into the festive Christmas spirit, eh readers?
China’s CO2 emissions are shooting to the moon.
A series of new studies on everything from errors in calculating sea temperatures to the earth’s ability to adapt in assimilating carbon dioxide has sent climate scientists scrambling to readjust their predictions concerning climate change.
Maybe the biggest of all the lies put out by the global warming scaremongers is that the science is on their side. No it isn’t. And if you’re in any doubt at all you should read this interview with the brilliant scientist István Markó. It tells you all you need to know about the science of global warming.
As I predicted, my piece 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 say ‘Global Warming’ is a Myth, is causing greenie heads to explode like watermelons struck by hollow-point bullets.
In a major new study, the Lancet journal has revealed that pollution-related diseases were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015, or some 15 times more than from all wars and other forms of violence combined.
Two leading U.S. bishops have publicly endorsed the Climate Solutions Commission Act of 2017, aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide.
Film star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has released an impassioned video reaction to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, revealing total ignorance of the content of the agreement.
Jeremy Corbyn will avoid using his expensive, brand new campaign bus because of concerns about CO2 emissions and the environment, aides have revealed.
The unchecked use of fossil fuels will produce a climate not seen since the Triassic period about 200 million years ago, researchers warn in a new report.
Right now, President Trump faces a terrible dilemma on climate change and the UN.
As climate alarmists rend their garments over fossil fuel emissions, a group of scientists has discovered that the world’s plants have somehow increased their capacity to assimilate carbon, resulting in an actual decline in the percentage of human-produced CO2 remaining in the atmosphere.
A study in Nature has confirmed what to many non-climate-scientists is probably blindingly obvious: far from being traumatised by global warming, plants simply adapt to it. Here’s the abstract of the study, lead authored by Professor Peter Reich, an ecologist and
How much will the doubling of CO2 in the air warm the global temperature? How do scientists take an accurate measurement of the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere? Why can scientists better measure atmospheric temperatures from satellites than surface temperatures from ground thermometers?
More than a century from now, on current trends, today’s concentration of CO2 in the air will have doubled. How much warming will that cause? The official prediction, 1.5-4.5 Celsius degrees per CO2 doubling, is proving a substantial exaggeration.
Man-made global warming is our friend. According to a study in Nature, the extra CO2 generated by our burning of fossil fuels has postponed the next ice age for at least 100,000 years. The new research, published in the journal Nature, examined the
Patrick Moore has reported Greenpeace–the charity he co-founded in the 1970s–to the FBI for what he claims are a series of offences, including “outright breach of the RICO, wire-fraud, witness-tampering and obstruction-of-committee statutes.”
Paris, the City of Light, which earned its moniker by early on adapting natural gas to light its public spaces, hosts COP21 (the 21st Conference of the Parties)—often referred to as the UN Climate Change Conference—that aims to end the use of fossil fuels. There, more than 150 world leaders gathered under the guise of, supposedly, slowing the warming of the planet.
Beneath all the furious arguments and billion-dollar politics of the climate change debate lies a core assertion: human industry is pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is raising the temperature of the Earth, in a way that will harm all living things.
Earlier this week President Obama and other world leaders addressed participants of the latest United Nations conference on climate change in Paris (COP21), where they lent their support for a new legally-binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
One of the reasons people are skeptical about the warnings from climate change alarmists is that they stubbornly refuse to live as if they believe a single word of what they’re saying. The size of their carbon footprints is staggering. Just look at all the fossil fuels they burn to attend entirely unnecessary “climate conferences.”
China has shown the world how much it truly cares about global warming by burning significantly more dirty, carbon-unfriendly coal than it previously pretended. According to shock data released, without fanfare, by China’s statistical agency, its coal use has been about 17 per cent higher per