Clinton Foundation - Page 5

Schweizer: 12 Days from Election, Clinton World Still Has No Good Answers on Russian Uranium Deal

The Clinton defense in the Uranium One deal rests entirely on us taking their word for the fact that there is nothing to see. But of course, that is what they said about the email server. And we now know how widely they lied about that scandal. The fact that the news media is playing lap dog and not watch dog in this case does enormous damage to the integrity of our government.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton arrives at Palm Beach International Airpor

Chuck Todd on the Clinton Foundation: ‘Shut It Down’

Thursday on WGN Radio, while discussing the latest WikiLeaks, which exposed former president Bill Clinton’s aggressive lobbing for large speaking fees from donors to the Clinton Foundation, NBC’s “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd said the Clinton Foundation needs to


Hillary Clinton’s ‘Shadow Diplomat’ Ran Big-Money Iran, Russia Deals

A new report from the Center for Security Policy, called “Clinton’s Shadow Diplomat,” concerns former Ambassador Thomas Pickering, who last made the news by forgetting to mention he was getting paid by Boeing while lobbying for the Iran nuclear deal, which just happens to have facilitated a $25 billion deal for Boeing.

Thomas Pickering, chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board, appears before the

Hillary Clinton’s Real Record On Women and Children

As Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign unfolded, she ultimately showed herself to be “vulnerable” on the subject of human rights due to the Clinton Foundation’s fundraising practices of accepting contributions from countries that condoned the abuse of women and children.

A delegate holds up a sign that reads 'A Woman's Place is in The White House&#03