CJNG - Page 3

Jailed Jalisco Cartel Founding Member Fights Extradition to U.S.

The founding member of one of Mexico’s most violent criminal organizations is fighting efforts by authorities to extradite him to the U.S. where he faces multiple drug and money laundering conspiracy charges. If convicted the charges could net him a life term in prison.

Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

‘Leave Priests Alone,’ Mexican Drug Cartel Tells Rivals

One of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels posted a social media video where they asked other cartels in the country to keep the violence amongst themselves and to avoid hurting innocents, especially priests and pastors. The video comes just two weeks after a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel murdered two Catholic priests inside a church sparking international outrage.

Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion leakes video showing what appears to be a paramilitary arm

Dos Soldados Mexicanos Heridos Con Explosivos en Michoacán

Uno de los cárteles de la droga más violentos del mundo hirió a dos soldados del ejército mexicano al utilizar drones para arrojarles explosivos. El ataque con drones se produce cuando dos carteles principales de la droga luchan por el control de los territorios de producción de drogas y las rutas de tráfico de drogas de Michoacán.

Mexican Army

Two Mexican Soldiers Injured by Bombs Dropped from Cartel Drones

One of the world’s most violent drug cartels injured two Mexican Army soldiers by using drones to drop explosives on them. The drone attack comes as two main drug cartels fight for control of Michoacan’s drug production territories and drug trafficking routes.

Mexican Army

GRAFICO: Sicarios Dejan 9 Cuerpos en Veracruz, Implican a Políticos

Un grupo de sicarios dejó 9 cadáveres al costado de la carretera con una pancarta amenazando a altos funcionarios del gobierno del estado de Veracruz por apoyar al Cártel de Sinaloa. Un video del interrogatorio dejó entrever que una de las víctimas era sobrino del secretario de Estado de Veracruz.

Mexican police guard a crime scene in Veracruz. (File Photo: ANGEL HERNANDEZ/AFP/Getty Ima

FOTOS EXCLUSIVAS: Carteles Mexicanos Usan Drones Para Tirar Explosivos

Los cárteles de la droga que luchan en una feroz guerra territorial en el oeste de México han encontrado una manera de usar drones comunes como armas al usarlos para tirar artefactos explosivos improvisados ​​(IED en Ingles). Breitbart Texas ha obtenido fotografías exclusivas del algunos de esos explosivos y los métodos utilizados para tirarlos.

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EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Mexican Cartels Weaponize Drones to Drop IEDs

Drug cartels fighting a fierce turf war in western Mexico began weaponizing commercial drones by turning them into delivery systems for improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Breitbart Texas obtained exclusive photographs of the explosives devices and the methods used by cartel operators.

Drone 1

Cartel Video of Armored Paramilitary Unit Puts Mexican Government in PR Damage-Control Mode

Mexico’s top security official is trying to downplay a cartel-produced video purportedly showing an armored paramilitary unit. The unit includes a large contingent of cartel gunmen wearing high-end tactical gear and posing by what appears to be dozens of factory-made armored trucks and SUVs. The release of the video comes just one day after Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador visited the region.

Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion leakes video showing what appears to be a paramilitary arm

Sicarios en Michoacán Dejan 12 Cuerpos en Camioneta

Un grupo de sicarios dejó doce cuerpos en la caja de una camioneta en el estado de Michoacán. El asesinato masivo sucede en un momento en que dos de los cárteles de drogas más violentos de México han estado librando una fuerte guerra territorial por el control de la producción de drogas y sus rutas de contrabando.

Michoacan 1

Cartel Gunmen Leave 12 Bodies Pickup Bed in Western Mexico

A group of cartel gunmen left twelve bodies in the bed of a pickup truck in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The mass murder comes at a time when two of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels waged a fierce turf war for control of drug production and smuggling routes in the western part of the country.

Michoacan 1

Cartel Gunmen Set Mexican City Ablaze After Drug Lord’s Arrest

Cartel gunmen torched vehicles and clashed with Mexican authorities as they lay siege to the second-largest city in Michoacán following the arrest of a mid-level commander within the Los Viagras cartel. That cartel boss is reportedly linked to the mass murder of several men whose bodies were hung from highway overpasses last year.

Uruapan 1

50 Bodies Discovered in Mexican Cartel Mass Graves

An ongoing investigation into a drug cartel stash house in the Mexican state of Jalisco has yielded the discovery of 50 bodies in one property. Since November, authorities in Jalisco have found a total of 81 bodies in two ranches and arrested 15 gunmen in connection with the ongoing cartel violence in the area.

Mexican crime scene

GRAPHIC: 19 Killed During Three-Day Cartel-Violence Spree in Western Mexico

A series of targeted attacks led to the deaths of at least 19 people. The attacks came as part of an ongoing cartel dispute in and around the capital of the Western state of Michoacán. The state officials report 1,650 murders so far this year —  locals claim the actual number is much higher.

Michoacan Violence

GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen in Western Mexico Storm Bar Killing Four

A group of cartel gunmen stormed a restaurant bar in western Mexico and fired into a group of patrons killing four and injuring several others. The shooting took place in the city of Uruapan, where initial information points to gunmen from Mexico’s Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion being behind the attack.

Michoacan Bar Shooting 1

More Trash Bags of Human Remains Found in Western Mexico

Authorities in the western Mexican state of Jalisco continue to discover dozens of trash bags filled with dismembered human remains. The discoveries point to an ongoing extermination tactic by cartel members fighting for control of the region. Officials found the remains in wells, shallow pits, and grassy areas as authorities continue to put the pieces back together and identify the victims.

Mexican police carry body. (© AFP/File Pedro Pardo)

Gobierno Estatal Mexicano Minimiza Incremento en Narco-ejecuciones

Las autoridades y los medios de comunicación se han mantenido en silencio en medio del aumento dramático de las narco-ejecuciones en todo un estado costero en México, donde el temible Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación continua diezmando a sus rivales.

Michoacan Violence 1

Mexican Kidnappers Behead Businesswoman After Husband Unable to Pay

Kidnappers in the Mexican coastal state of Veracruz dumped the body of a woman in a vacant lot inside of a garbage bag after her husband could not pay a ransom of 4 million pesos ($200,000 USD). The kidnappers also left a taunting message to the victim’s husband blaming not paying for his wife’s death.

Veracruz Businesswoman killed after kidnapping - Facebook photos

DEA: Mexican Cartels Remain Greatest Criminal Drug Threat to U.S.

Mexican drug cartels continue to be the greatest criminal drug threat to the U.S., federal authorities stated in one of their latest reports. Federal agencies reported that drug cartels in Mexico continue to be the wholesale sources of drugs for street gangs that in turn push narcotics at the local level.

Screen capture of a paramilitary group which vowed to "eliminate" the Zetas, rep

GRAPHIC: Top Cartel Boss Escapes as Bodyguards Fight off Mexican Military

An apparent chance encounter between the Mexican military and the security detail of the leader of one of the country’s most dangerous cartels was met with extreme violence. While both sides clashed, the leader escaped. The clash comes soon after authorities increased the reward being offered for his capture.

Jalisco Shootout 1

Mexican Cops, Colombian Hitman Tied to Cartel Execution of Federales

Mexican authorities arrested a Colombian hitman working for a Mexican cartel, a police chief and 16 other people including policemen and assassins. All of the arrests are related to the recent execution of two federal policemen. Before the execution, the assassins disseminated a video showing federal police officers being forced to read a message accusing their bosses of stealing the drugs.

Seido Video

Policías Municipales y Sicario Colombiano Ligados a Ejecución de Federales

Autoridades Mexicanas detuvieron a un capo Colombiano trabajando para un cartel Mexicano, un jefe policial y 16 personas mas incluyendo policías y sicarios; todos relacionado con la reciente ejecución de dos policías federales. Antes de la ejecución, los sicarios habían diseminado un video donde los policías federales eran forzados a leer un mensaje acusando a sus jefes de robar a los narcos.

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