Civil Liberties - Page 3

DOJ Narrows Disrupt J20 Warrant, Asks Court to Enforce

The Department of Justice yielded to outcry from the public and civil liberties groups Tuesday and asked the District of Columbia Superior Court for a much narrower search warrant for the website “” related to its investigation into the violent Antifa actions at President Donald Trump’s inauguration.


ACLU Targets Jeff Sessions; Won’t Defend Michael Flynn

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants the Senate to question Attorney General Jeff Sessions next week about “his own role with Russia, his role in the Comey firing, and the ongoing investigations into ties with Russia and his recusal,” according to a statement by the organization.

ACLU Dissent is Patriotic Resistance training (Leila Macor / AFP / Getty)

Rep. Justin Amash Seeks to Stop Intrusive Cybersecurity Legislation Slipped into Omnibus Bill

There are many problems with funding our gigantic, intrusive federal government by passing gigantic omnibus bills in a blind year-end panic, as has become customary in decadent Washington, D.C. One problem is that voters don’t know what their “representatives” have slipped into those gruesome trillion-dollar pork sausages. Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) is trying to repeal a controversial cybersecurity law that slipped under America’s nose in the omnibus package, despite public unease about similar measures in the past.


Senate Passes Controversial CISA Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. Senate has passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) by a vote of 74-21, despite vociferous objections from civil liberties groups who say the bill will afford the government even more powers to collect the private online data of ordinary citizens.

The Associated Press