Christopher Steele - Page 4

Reports: Bruce Ohr Testimony Reveals More FBI Corruption

The closed-door testimony of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr before House investigators Tuesday revealed new details about the FBI information-gathering steps both prior to and during its surveillance of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 28: Bruce Ohr (R), former U.S. associate deputy attorney general,

Exclusive–Gregg Jarrett: ‘Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax’ a Scheme to Clear Hillary, Undo Election

Fox News Channel legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, author of The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, described the “Trump-Russia collusion” as “an effort to undo the election.” He offered his remarks during a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart News Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 21: James Comey (L) FBI Director nominee walks with outgoing FBI Dir

Goodlatte: Peter Strzok Refused to Testify About Any Talks with Fusion GPS

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) revealed that during his closed session interview with the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, former FBI official Peter Strzok refused to answer multiple questions, including whether he communicated with the author of the discredited anti-Trump dossier or with the firm paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to produce the infamous dossier.

LAS VEGAS, NV - OCTOBER 19: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hill

Clintonista Mark Penn: Mueller Probe Exposed — and the ‘Deep State’ Is Flailing

Mark Penn — Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist during her 2008 presidential campaign who has served the Clinton family since the mid-90s — lowers the boom on Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Christopher Steele, the Clinton Foundation, and the intelligence community’s “deep state,” laying out the absurdity and the danger of the Obama administration’s abuse of surveillance and law enforcement against political enemies. 


Comey: Steele ‘Considered a Reliable Person by the FBI’

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” former FBI Director James Comey stated that, as he understands it, Christopher Steele “was considered a reliable person by the FBI.” Anchor Rachel Maddow asked, “Did the FBI have a relationship with
