Christians - Page 18

Obama’s Failure to Recognize Armenian Genocide Abandons Modern Middle East Christians

On April 24, 1915 the Ottoman Turkish leaders ordered the arrest of hundreds of notable Armenians in Istanbul and launched the systematic annihilation of Armenian as well as Assyrian Christians within the empire’s borders and throughout the Middle East. This day would become known as “Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day,” and a century later is the center of a persistent geopolitical controversy.


Former Iraqi POW Jessica Lynch Talks About Persecution Of Christians

Twelve years on, former Iraqi prisoner-of-war Jessica Lynch is working as an inspirational speaker and an actress in Christian-themed films, including a new release called “One Church.” She was interviewed on WABC Radio’s The Rita Cosby Show over the weekend, where she expressed concerns about terrorism, the rise of ISIS in Iraq, and the persecution of Christians.

AP, Reuters Photos

Muslim Mob Attacks Church Built To Honor Egyptian Christians Beheaded By ISIS

Christians in the Egyptian village of Al Our are looking to build a new church in honor of the Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS in Libya, a mass-murder outrage captured in a viral video circulated by the Islamic State. 13 of the 21 Christians slaughtered in the video hailed from Al Our; they had gone to Libya in search of employment. A church in their hometown would seem like a fine way to remember them.

christian genocide

Syrian Christians Look To Assad Regime For Protection From Jihadis

Al-Monitor delivers one of the most sobering assessments of the bloody mess in Syria to date, as author Edward Dark returns to his hometown of Aleppo for a look at the plight of the dwindling Christian community, and finds them turning to dictator Bashar al-Assad for protection from the jihadis fighting to overthrow him.

The Associated Press

Breitbart Exclusive: Syria’s Christians Plead for Help from U.S. and Europe

A community in northeast Syria inhabited primarily by Assyrian Christians has been under steady assault by ISIS for the past 18 days, and they are barely holding on, according to Rima Tuezuen of the Syriac European Union. When the attack first began on February 23rd, ISIS abducted hundreds of Christian prisoners, only 23 of whom have been released so far.

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EU Parliament Resolves to Defend Christians, Other Minorities from ISIS

The European Parliament passed a resolution on Thursday calling for the protection of Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in the Middle East from the depredations of the Islamic State. A call for the establishment of safe havens for ethnic and religious minorities in the Nineveh Plains is part of the resolution.

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Syrian Christians Plead for Help as ISIS Launches New Attack

Syrian Christians have this morning put out a desperate appeal for help as ISIS launches new attacks against them along the Khabour River in northeast Syria. According to Rima Tüzün of the European Syriac Union, members of the community who have taken up arms to defend themselves are without ammunition, and 17 Syriac Military Council fighters are surrounded by ISIS in the town of Tel Maghasneh.


Report: ISIS to Slaughter Christian Hostages Unless Airstrikes Stop

The latest ISIS terror video is apparently running behind schedule—it was supposed to be released on Wednesday—but all indications are that it will include a threat to murder their Christian hostages, including women and children, if the bombing campaign against the Islamic State is not halted.


Flashback: Sen. Obama Urged Bush Admin. to Save Christians in Middle East

President Barack Obama has done little to stop the terrorist militias of the so-called Islamic State from abducting and murdering Christians in Iraq and elsewhere in the region. As a junior U.S. Senator from Illinois, however, Obama was outspoken on the fate of minorities in Iraq. Obama wrote two letters to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, demanding to know what the Bush administration was doing to secure Assyrian Christians and other minorities in Iraq.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Christians Get Day in Court for First Amendment Case in Michigan

In 2012, authorities prevented Christians from protesting at a Muslim festival in Dearborn, Michigan, threatening them with arrest. The Christians charged that the police violated their First Amendment rights to free speech, and next month, they will have their day in court in an important en banc hearing before the entire 6th District Circuit Court.

American Freedom Law Center/YouTube

Attkisson: Media Has No Problem Saying Christians Bomb Abortion Clinics

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Media Buzz,” while discussing the controversy over President Barack Obama and his administrations unwillingness to label ISIS and other extremist groups as Islamic terrorists,  investigate reporter Sharyl Attkisson pointed out the media and society at

Westerners Journey to Iraq and Join Christian Militia to Fight ISIS

When one hears a story of Western civilians heading to the Middle East to volunteer for combat duty, one thinks of the hideously successful ISIS recruiting drive. However, as Reuters reports, “a handful of idealistic Westerners are enlisting” with a Christian militia group called Dwekh Nawsha, “citing frustration their governments are not doing more to combat the ultra-radical Islamists or prevent the suffering of innocents.”

AP Photo/Vivian Salama

Obama: ‘Starting Point of Faith is Doubt’

President Barack Obama sparked outrage among American Christians on Thursday when he decided to use the National Prayer Breakfast as a forum to lecture Christians not to get on their “high horse” in the wake of the burning of a caged live Jordanian pilot by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

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Persecuted Christians Join Yazidis in Iraq’s Fight Against ISIS

The savage Muslim persecution of Assyrian Christians and Yazidi (Zoroastrian/Hindus) by Sunni Muslims in the Middle East and in Shiite Iran has reached fever-pitch. ISIS has systematically murdered, tortured, captured, and enslaved Yazidi girls and women. They have done likewise to the Assyrians in Syria and Iraq. Iran has persecuted Assyrians as well.
