Christians - Page 15

Christians Celebrate Good Friday

Christians all over the world are celebrating Good Friday, marking the anniversary of the suffering and death (the “passion”) of Jesus Christ of Nazareth outside the city walls of Jerusalem, during which Christians believe a sinless man paid the price for their sin.

Jesus on Cross between two others

Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday

Christians worldwide celebrate Palm Sunday, commemorating the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week, a week that would end with his death on Good Friday, then followed by Easter Sunday.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem Palm Sunday

WATCH: Students Support Religious Freedom for Muslims, Not Christians

Several students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison admit that Muslims should not be forced by law to do business with Christians. Those same students, however, had a hard time agreeing that Christians or conservative Americans have the right to decline work that conflicts with their conscience or religion.

WATCH: Students Support Religious Freedom for Muslims, Not Christians

Iraq: Christians, Yazidis Seeking Semi-Autonomous Region

Several representatives of Iraqi minority groups considered to be some of the oldest inhabitants of the country, including the Assyrian Christians and Yezidis, have joined forces to urge Baghdad and the international community to allow them to establish a semi-autonomous region in northwestern Iraq.

LALISH, IRAQ - NOVEMBER 11: Yazidi men line up before starting a religious ritual outside

Eubank: Jesus in Mosul

We have been providing relief in the war zones of Burma for over 20 years, and two years ago were asked to come help in Kurdistan and Syria.


Muslim Politicians Push Alcohol Ban in Indonesia

A group of political parties in the Indonesian parliament are seeking an all-out ban on alcohol, including the production, distribution and sale of it in the country, which has the largest Muslim population in the world.

indonesia booze

Trento: Three Reasons Why Christians Must Vote

(THE UNITED WEST)  In this new video from the United West, Tom Trento lays out why Christians must vote in the upcoming presidential election. Remarks as follows: Look, this 2016 Presidential election is a tough one for serious evangelical Christians.

Christians for Trump

Mosul: U.S.-Backed Forces Clash with Islamic State in Christian Suburb

Iraqi security forces backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and in collaboration with Kurdish Peshmerga troops and a Christian militia have besieged the Iraqi Christian town of Qaraqosh as part of the offensive to liberate the nearby city of Mosul from the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), reports CNN.

Fighting for Mosul CNN Screenshot

‘Torchbearer’ Movie an Urgent Wake-Up Call for American Christians

“A human civilization’s best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of creation,” Christian evangelist and reality star Phil Robertson declared in “Torchbearer,” an epic documentary launching in select theaters on Oct. 7 as a clarion call for Christians and people of faith in America to engage their culture before it’s too late.


Klukowski: Gun-Owning Christians Can Put Trump in the White House

Now that the Second Amendment is definitely returning to the Supreme Court next year and Hillary Clinton is savagely attacking churchgoing Americans as “deplorable” and “irredeemable,” railing that their beliefs “have to be changed,” a new segment of besieged voters are emerging that could propel Donald Trump into the Oval Office: gun-owning Christians.

US pastor Steven Anderson's Arizona-based Faithful Word Baptist Church preaches a lit