Christians - Page 13

Christians Observe Good Friday, Remembering the Death of Jesus

Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter together form the three seminal events that Christians believe are the focal point of history that will determine the destiny of humanity. While those words may seem jarring in a pluralistic and relativistic culture like modern America, for billions of devout Christians over the past 2,000 years, it has been the foundational belief of their lives. For tens of millions of Americans today, those central pillars of the Christian faith shape the entire focus of their time on earth.

Thousands of people follows actors as they portray Jesus Christ and Roman centurions durin

Gaffney: Save the Persecuted Christians!

In President Trump’s remarks before the National Prayer Breakfast last week, he spoke movingly about the plight of “millions of people in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and other countries [who] suffer under repressive and brutal regimes. America stands with all people suffering oppression and religious persecution.”

The Associated Press

John Zmirak: #NeverTrump National Review Licked ‘the Mud Off of George W. Bush’s Boots’ While He Allowed Iraq’s Christians to Be Ethnically Cleansed

National Review “let themselves be turned into the propaganda wing of the neo-conservative movement” during the George W. Bush administration, while ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Iraq’s Christian communities under Bush’s watch, said John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream and author of the new “Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism.”
